Tuesday, August 27, 2013


To seek God, or to search for God means to research Him
in order to know Him.
            ~ Though He is invisible, He is Omnipresent.
            ~ Though we are limited, He is Omniscient.
            ~ Though we are weak, He is Omnipotent.
            ~ We are fickle, He is Immutable.
            ~ We are angry, He is Love.
            ~ We are confused, He is Order.
            ~ We are hurting, He is Peace.
And He promised if we seek Him, we shall surely find Him.

~ Joyce Carr Stedelbauer ~

Monday, August 26, 2013

Quotable Quotes

There is no end to seeking wealth.
Contentment is one of the greatest gains of life -
greater even than wealth.

~ Buddha ~

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Divine Wisdom

Good Deeds

"Whatever is done from sunrise to sunset must be consecrated,
as if it is the worship of the Lord.
As care is taken to pluck only fresh flowers
and to keep them clean and unfaded,
so, too, ceaseless effort must be made to do deeds
which are pure and unsullied."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Prema Vahini)


One day, when Ubhaya Bharati was going to the river for a bath with her women disciples, she saw an ascetic, who had renounced everything in life, sleeping on the wayside, resting his head on a hollow water jug, using it as a pillow and at the same time ensuring that nobody took it away. 

As long as you have attachment and ego, you can never understand the Atma or experience atmic bliss.

In order to convey a lesson to the ascetic, Ubhaya Bharati spoke within his hearing the following words to one of her disciples: "Look at that ascetic, who has ostensibly renounced every kind of attachment, but he has not given up his attachment to his water jug!" On hearing these words, the ascetic got enraged. He thought: "Is a mere woman entitled to teach me as to how I should behave." 

While Ubhaya Bharati was returning from the river, the ascetic threw the jug at her feet and said: "Now, see what my renunciation is?" Ubhaya Bharati remarked: "Alas! You are not only filled with attachment (abhimana) but you are also filled with ego (ahamkara)." On hearing these words, the ascetic ran up to her, fell at her feet and pleaded for forgiveness of his faults.

(Chinna Katha from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Celestial Poems of Sathya Sai Baba

The fire is the cause for the smoke to rise,
The driver is the cause for the train to move,
The operator is the cause for the automatic lights to glow,
Should there not be a creator for the creation to flourish?

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Giver of All

The Lord gives you life eternal,
He will, He will.

He will show you many things,
You know not how.

He will let you know He listens
To your every prayer.

He will save you by
The Mercy of His love.

He will guide you through life's battles
And give you power.

He will answer when you call Him
Whether 'tis night or day.

He will turn His bright light upon you
In your darkest hour.

He will love you and go with you
All the way.

He will take you by the hand
And lead you as His child.

Down the streets and narrow aisles of life
Safe and through.

He will love you and go with you
For ever and ever.

If you love Him as your Father, Mother,
Guru and God.

~ Dipanjan Chatterji ~
(S.S.Feb. 1990)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Quotable Quotes.

What difference does it make how much you have?
What you do not have amounts to much more ..

~ Seneca ~
(Roman philosopher)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Divine Wisdom

Two Chief Enemies

There are two chief enemies of the Sadhaka -

the conceit that he knows everything,
and the doubt whether

~ Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Prema Vahini)