Monday, January 27, 2014

Divine Wisdom

"The human birth is very difficult to attain.  It cannot be got for a song.  The body is like a caravansarai, the mind is the watchman, and the jiva is the pilgrim.  And so no one of these has any kinship with the others.  The pilgrim is bound for the city of salvation, Mokshpuri.  For a trouble-free journey, there is nothing as reliable as Namasmarana, the remembrance of the name of the Lord."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Prema Vahini)

The Mark of a True Sadhaka

"Man must always have calm thoughts.  Even if calamity befalls him,  the sadhaka should not lose heart.  The mind must be pure, untarnished, calm and full of courage.  No weeping for the past, no faltering in the performance of the task at hand - that is the mark of a true sadhaka.  Be prepared to have any obstacle in the path gladly.  Only then can you realise the goal."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Prasanthi Vahini)

The Fortunate Fish

Once upon a time, King Brahmadatta had a very wise adviser who understood the speech of animals. He understood what they said, and he could speak to them in their languages.

One day the adviser was wandering along the riverbank with his followers. They came upon some fishermen who had cast a big net into the river. While peering into the water, they noticed a big handsome fish who was following his pretty wife.

Her shining scales reflected the morning sunlight in all the colours of the rainbow. Her feather-like fins fluttered like the delicate wings of a fairy, as they sent her gliding through the water. It was clear that her husband was so entranced by the way she looked and the way she moved, that he was not paying attention to anything else!

As they came near the net, the wife fish smelled it. Then she saw it and alertly avoided it at the very last moment. But her husband was so blinded by his desire for her, that he could not turn away fast enough. Instead, he swam right into the net and was trapped!

The fishermen pulled in their net and threw the big fish onto the shore. They built a fire, and carved a spit to roast him on.

Lying on the ground, the fish was flopping around and groaning in agony. Since the wise adviser understood fish talk, he translated for the others. He said, "This poor fish is madly repeating over and over again:

"My wife! My wife! I must be with my wife!
I care for her much more than for my life!
'My wife! My wife! I must be with my wife!
I care for her much more than for my life!"

The adviser thought, "Truly this fish has gone crazy. He is in this terrible state because he became a slave to his own desire. And it is clear that he has learned nothing from the results of his actions. If he dies keeping such agony, and the desire that caused it, in his mind, he will surely continue to suffer by being reborn in some hell world. Therefore, I must save him!"

So this kind man went over to the fishermen and said, "Oh my friends, loyal subjects of our king, you have never given me and my followers a fish for our curry. Won't you give us one today?"

They replied, "Oh royal minister, please accept from us any fish you wish!" "This big one on the riverbank looks delicious," said the adviser. "Please take him, sir," they said.

Then he sat down on the bank. He took the fish, who was still groaning, into his hands. He spoke to him in the language only fish can understand, saying, "You foolish fish! If I had not seen you today, you would have gotten yourself killed. Your blind desire was leading you to continued suffering. From now on, do not let yourself be trapped by your own desires!"

Then the fish realized how fortunate he was to have found such a friend. He thanked him for his wise advice. The minister released the lucky fish back into the river, and went on his way.

Moral: Fools are trapped by their own desires

(From: Buddhist Tales for Young and Old) 

New Opportunities

To have mental health and live successfully, every person must move away form past failures and mistakes and go forward without letting them weigh upon the mind.  Never dwell upon the "ifs" but rather upon the "hows".  Forgetting is absolutely necessary to a successful future.

Every night, when you lie down to sleep, practise dropping all failures and mistakes into the past.  They are over, finished.  Look confidently to the future.  Go to sleep. 

God gives you new opportunities every morning.

(Author Unknown)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Divine Wisdom

"You claim to have devotion to Me but you must examine
and discover whether I am pleased with you.
You must examine yourselves every moment whether
you are observing the disciplines I have laid down,
the programmes of service I have marked out.
That is the way to earn My Love.
Love others and serve them; then,
you can win My Love."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(SSS Vol.IX)

To Baba with Love


Dear Lord I come to you in love
Dear Lord the skies and heavens above
Show me the power that lies within
Dear Lord forgive my every sin

With humble heart I bow to you
Each loving thought brings joy anew
Each waking morning I can see
The love you always show to me

So as I pray you're by my side
Forever more you'll be my guide
There'll be no words, no sighs, no tears
You'll always take away my fears

You show compassion, love and grace
As you work through the human race
No request do you refuse
But mankind has to pay his dues

To know his karma he must do
Selfless service just like you
Sweet Sai dear Sai
We all love you.

~ Valli Luschwitz ~

Friday, January 24, 2014

Celestial Poems of Sathya Sai Baba

"Not by penance, not by pilgrimage to sacred places,
Not by study of scriptures, not by continuous chanting,
Only by serving the good people
Can the ocean of birth and death be crossed."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Bike Ride


At first I saw God as an observer, like my judge, keeping track of things I did wrong.  This way, God would know whether I merited heaven or hell when I died.  He was always out there, sort of like the President.  I recognized His picture when I saw it but I didn't really know Him at all.  But later on, when I recognized my higher power better, it seemed as though life was rather like a bike ride, on a tandem bike and I noticed God was in the back helping me pedal.  I don't know when it was that He suggested we change places, but life has not been the same since ... life with my higher power, that is, making life much more exciting.

When I had control, I knew the way.  It was rather boring but predictable.  It was always the shortest distance between the points.

But when He took the lead, He knew delightful cuts, up mountains and through rocky places and at breakneck speeds; it was all I could do to hang on!

Even though it looked like madness, He kept saying, "Pedal, pedal!"

I worried and became anxious, asking, "Where are you taking me?"  He just laughed and didn't answer, and I found myself starting to trust.  I soon forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure, and when I'd say, "I'm scared," He'd lean back and touch my hand.

He took me to people with gifts that I needed; gifts of healing, acceptance and joy.  They gave me their gifts to take on my journey.  Our journey, that is, God's and mine.

And we were off again.  He said, "Give the gifts away, they're extra baggage, too much weight."  So I did, to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, and still our burden was light.

I did not trust Him at first, in control of my life.  I though He'd wreck it.  But He knew bike secrets, knew how to make it bend to take sharp corners, jump to places filled with rocks, fly to shorten scary passages.

And I'm learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and I'm beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with my delightful constant companion, my higher power.  And when I'm sure I can't go on any more, He just smiles and says, "Pedal!"

(From: Chicken Soup for the Soul)

Thank the Good Lord

Everyone of us possesses the power to live a truly wonderful life; yet we settle for being unhappy, when it isn't necessary.  We should ask ourselves what we have done with the talents and abilities which God built into us.  Every human being ought to look inside himself and thank the good Lord that he has unused strength he has never drawn on - and then start drawing on it.

( Author Unknown)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sathya Sai - The Great Physician

Sai, thou born great physician par excellence,
You heal the wounds of Hatred and Anger
With the sweet medicines of Love and Compassion;

You unite fractures caused by Jealousy and Greed
With strong plaster casts of Deep Faith and Devotion;

You transplant failing and weak hearts
With the hearts of Love and Understanding;

Sai, thou born great surgeon par excellence,
You operate on cataracts of Lust and Anger
To replace with Intra Ocular lens of Love and Compassion,
So as to restore clear vision of Divinity in us;

Sai, thou great psychiatrist,
You bless Peace and Tranquility
For the victims of Depression and Psychosis;

Sai, thou great Neuro-Surgeon,
You awaken the Humanity from
Deep state of com a of Illusion and Pride
To wonderful states of Reality and Truth
With the mere wave of Your hand;

Sai, thou great obstetrician,
You give birth to a new world of religon
That is the single Religion of Love.

~ Dr. (Mrs.) V.Seetha Lakshmi Sreedhar ~

What I Will ...

"What I will must take place;
What I plan must succeed.
I am Truth and Truth has no need to hesitate or fear or bend.
'Willing' is superfluous for Me. 
For My grace is ever available to devotees who have steady Love and Faith."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(S.S.S. Vol. IX)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Word of Praise

Life for most of us contains many tough and difficult problems; we need all the confidence and reassurance we can get.  Nothing builds confidence and reassurance like a word of praise.  Nothing restores our self-esteem and recharges our batteries like a little admiration.

Why, then, needing appreciation ourselves so badly, do we deny it so often to others?

(Author Unknown)

My "Joy" Story


June 8, 2012 was the most dreadful day in my life. The day started as usual at 5:45 a.m. with my usual kitchen work and cooking for the family. Then came the phone call from Chennai that my father, who is an extremely active and spiritual soul, had passed away that morning in his sleep. It was so shocking and sudden that I had to rush to the airport along with my two kids.

I was in a state of confusion and panic. I managed to get three air tickets for a flight to Chennai at the airport entrance. As I stood in queue for the boarding pass, there was an old man who was also travelling to Chennai. He was right behind me in queue. I noticed that the old man was struggling to follow directions. So my kids and I waited for him. It happened just with an eye contact. No words were spoken at all. We walked slowly along with him to the seating area. He said he wanted to go to the washroom and asked us to wait with his small bag and we did that. It all happened so naturally.

We then waited for the flight and not a word was spoken at all. I was still in a state of shock and was not even able to cry. We boarded the flight and landed at Chennai as per schedule. We didn’t carry any checked-in baggage but we noticed that the old man was again confused as he had checked-in luggage. So my children and I waited with him for the baggage and then escorted him to the exit.

It was then that the old man beckoned and blessed me and my kids with showers of blessings in pure Sanskrit phrases. I was overwhelmed and couldn’t stop crying as I ran towards the taxi area to run home and attend my father’s last rites. As Sai devotees it is natural to love and serve all. But that day, I realized the power of service even when we are at the weakest situation of our lives. 

~ Shoba Rao ~
(Story from Radio Sai)

Divine Wisdom

"Where there is a desire for mental tranquillity,
I hurry to grant tranquillity; 
Where there is dispiritedness, I hasten to raise the drooping heart;
Where there is no mutual trust, I rish to restore trust.
I am ever on the move to fulfil the mission for which I have come.
I want to light the lamp of Prema in every heart."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Dancing Peacock

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, the four-footed animals made the lion their king. There was a gigantic fish that roamed the oceans, and the fish made him their king. The birds were attracted to beauty, so they chose the Golden Swan as their king.

King Golden Swan had a beautiful golden daughter. While she was still young, he granted her one wish. She wished that, when she was old enough, she could pick her own husband.

When his daughter was old enough, King Golden Swan called all the birds living in the vast Himalayan Mountains of central Asia to a gathering. The purpose was to find a worthy husband for his golden daughter. Birds came from far away, even from high Tibet. There were geese, swans, eagles, sparrows, humming birds, cuckoos, owls and many other kinds of birds.

The gathering was held on a high rock slab, in the beautiful green land of Nepal. King Golden Swan told his lovely daughter to select whichever husband she wished.
She looked over the many birds. Her eye was attracted by a shining emerald-green long-necked peacock, with gorgeous flowing tail feathers. She told her father, "This bird, the peacock, will be my husband."

Hearing that he was the lucky one, all the other birds crowded around the peacock to congratulate him. They said, "Even among so many beautiful birds, the golden swan princess has chosen you. We congratulate you on your good fortune."

The peacock became so puffed up with pride, that he began to show off his colorful feathers in a fantastic strutting dance. He fanned out his spectacular tail feathers and danced in a circle to show off his beautiful tail. Being so conceited, he pointed his head at the sky and forgot all modesty, so that he also, showed his most private parts for all to see!
The other birds, especially the young ones, giggled. But King Golden Swan was not amused. He was embarrassed to see his daughter's choice behave in this way. He thought, "This peacock has no inner shame to give him proper modesty. Nor does he have the outer fear to prevent indecent behavior. So why should my daughter be shamed by such a mindless mate?"

Standing in the midst of the great assembly of birds, the king said, "Sir peacock, your voice is sweet, your feathers are beautiful, your neck shines like an emerald, and your tail is like a splendid fan. But you have danced here like one who has no proper shame or fear. I will not permit my innocent daughter to marry such an ignorant fool!"

Then King Golden Swan married his golden daughter to a royal nephew. The silly strutting peacock flew away, having lost a beautiful wife.

Moral: If you let pride go to your head, you'll wind up acting like a fool.

(From" Buddhist Tales for Young and Old")

Omnipresent Lord

I see You in the rising sun and in the stars at night
Arid in a raging sea with all its power and might
I see You in the willows weeping in the rain
And in the fragrant flowers of a country lane
I see You in a baby's smile and in a mother's love
And in the peace and beauty of a snow-white dove
I see You in a caring heart and in a helping hand
And in the sick and suffering that's so hard to understand
I feel You sometimes near to me yet sometimes way afar
Oh Lord I see You everywhere 'cos that is where You are!

~ Don Wilkinson ~

Friday, January 17, 2014

Divine Wisdom

"Manava (man) must achieve the status of Madhava (God.)
And who is God?
Truth is God, Love is God, Peace is God.
Develop Truth, cultivate Love, establish yourselves in Peace -
You are on the road to Divinity."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(S.S.S. Vol.IX)

Celestial Poems of Sathya Sai Baba

"It is enough if you have the intelligence to realise God;
Of what avail is all other intelligence
Though you have it in plenty?
It serves the purpose of filling the belly alone.
The intelligence to realise God is the true intelligence."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Help Others


Help others to overcome fear and anxiety and you gain greater power over these problems yourself.   Everyday think of yourself as living in companionship with God.  If He actually walked by your side, you would not be worried or afraid.  Say "He is with me now."  Repeat it very time you feel fear or begin to worry.  Recommend the practice to others as I do to you.  It works.

(Author Unknown)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Divine Wisdom

"The body has to be carefully and tenderly fostered;  it is a precious gift, a very complicated but well co-ordinated machine, given for achieving a laudable task.  Its exterior too must be clear and full of the charm of goodness.  The skin of the Fruit of Ananda is the physical body; the succulent flesh is the muscle,
bone and nerve; the hard uneatable seed is the evil that gets mixed up in life; the juice which the fruit offers, 
for which the tree was planted and nourished is the Bliss it shares with all.  

The body will shine if the character is fine; service of man and worship of God will preserve its charm. The Lord will be watching with a thousand eyes the least activity of man to discover any slight trace of self-less Love sweetening it."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(S.S.S. Vol.IX)

My "Joy" Story


On a late Friday night as I was listening to a discourse on Radio Sai, I had this sudden intense yearning to be connected with Swami which I had not felt in a year or so. At that moment, nothing else mattered except for his pure love. 

On Sunday evening, Swami, in his own way, gave us an opportunity to distribute blankets to the homeless to beat the chilling winters. Again, I had not taken up any service activity in almost a year. The seva got over really late and I had my dinner only after that. I have a strong feeling that Swami answered my prayer to be connected with Him by giving me an opportunity to connect with the most needy and share His love with them. 

The seva was a very enriching experience and also an eye-opener for many of us about the harsh realities of life. The most important lesson for me was that it is always God first (the intense yearning and praying for love), others next (that prayer for love got translated into a joyful seva activity), and yourself last (dinner, at last).

~ Bharani Prasad M.S. ~
(Story from Radio Sai)

Another Fresh New Year


“Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!

This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!

I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”

~ William Arthur Ward ~

"When everything goes right, you say that God has come close to you;
when something goes wrong, you say that God has deserted you and gone afar!
He does not move far or near.
The distance from Him to you is as much as the distance from you to Him.
He is everywhere.  He always is in your heart.
Recognise Him there; realise Him as closest and nearest to you.
He is your own Self, neither terrible nor tender but
simply IS.'

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(S.S.S. Vol. IX)