Thursday, August 31, 2017

Quotable Quotes

“The present moment is the substance with which the future is made. 
Therefore, the best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment. 
What else can you do?” 

Divine Wisdom

Practise What You Preach

"Practise what you preach; be what you profess to be. Your word and your work have to tally. Keep your senses and the mind, under rigorous control; be sweet and soft in speech, do not injure the feelings of even a little child. Then, this Dharmakshethra will become a Prashaanthi Nilayam, the Abode of Peace and Joy."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse, Dharmaksekthra, 19.5.1969)


"Man should not yield to thirst for the world's gifts; he should yearn for the gift of Grace."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 3.9.1969)

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Bhajan at Dr.P's House

Swami would go to Dr. Padmanabhan's house on Wednesdays at lunchtime and after lunch would go to the bhajan hall and supervise the decorations. Swami would say "Look at My photo, I am not smiling.  Change that photo."  He taught all of them to pay attention to every little detail when arranging something.

On one such occasion they were all doing the assigned jobs and Swami was monitoring their work.  Suddenly they realized that Swami was not there and appeared to have gone back stage where there were two rooms.  One room had been arranged for Swami to relax and the other was a storage room, where they had put their things and slippers.  They went running there and found Swami arranging everyone's slippers in a neat single row.  The elders were immediately informed and they came running to stop Swami.  The Lord of the Universe simply said, "You people were so busy, you forgot to put these sandals in a proper manner, so I am putting them properly as I do not have any work."

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sai Blossoms

Wait and Watch

How could Swami's mission remain incomplete,
Apparently He hides the future under His Lotus Feet.

Though invisible to mortal eyes,
He manifests Himself whenever a devotee cries.

As a part of His ever expanding mission,
He works through every soul, propelling thy fission.

We limited beings fail to comprehend the limitless,
Forgetting that His Divine Plan stands timeless.

So all I know is to wait and watch,
For His Supreme "Will" that none can match.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Sai Madhuryam

In this world that you behold, 
there is the infinite awareness pervading everywhere. 
It is the Atmic principle. 
It is passing through the entire universe 
just like a thread passes through the precious gems 
to keep them together in the chain.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Baba's Storytime - Nature of Divine Love

The nature of Divine love is not rightly understood by most people. For instance, even a great woman like Dhraupadhi did not understand the ways of the Lord. 

Once, during their exile, while she and Yudhishthira were strolling in the Himaalayas. Dhraupadhi asked Yudhishthira with tears streaming from her eyes, "Dear Lord, you have taken such good care of your subjects, you fed the starving and relieved the needy, you always adhered to Dharma. Why should you be subject to this present suffering? You are the very embodiment of Righteousness. We are leading the life of a destitute here. Why should this happen to you? Have we forfeited God's grace? Is there anything wanting in our devotion?"

Smilingly, Dharmaja replied, "Dhraupadhi! Look at the Himaalaya mountains. How beautiful are the peaks! I am filled with joy looking at those mountains. They do not serve me in any way, but still they fill me with joy. The beauty of Nature gives me joy. Beauty is bliss. That bliss is nectarine. There is no joy equal to the enjoyment of the beautiful. When you look at a flower, you derive ineffable joy, though the flower renders you no service. Nature is the vesture of God. When you behold Nature, you experience bliss. I love Nature for the joy it gives. I derive joy from seeing it and for no other benefit. 

Likewise, God should be loved in a selfless spirit. I love Krishna regardless of what difficulties I have to suffer, because that is the way I love him. I have no interest in the transient pleasures and possessions of the world. True bliss transcends the fleeting pleasures experienced by this perishable body. Dhraupadhi! Do not seek these pleasures relating to the body. Seek the Divine feet of the Lord, which will confer enduring bliss. Do not grieve over petty difficulties. Concern yourself with the means to experience God. All other things are valueless." 

The bliss from experiencing the Divine has been extolled by the Vedhic seers and sages from ancient times. It is holy, eternal, ineffable and infinite. It is the bliss of oneness with God.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Blessed Ganesha Chaturthi

Glory to the Elephant-Faced Lord and 
Leader of the Deities and Divine Forces!
Thou art the Bestower of boons and thy vehicle is a mouse.
Thou art extremely pure and sweet.
Offer obeisance at the Lotus Feet of Lord Gajanana!

Divine Wisdom

God's Work

"Whatever you do, deem it as God's work. This can be applied to every ordinary act in daily life, whether it is sweeping the floor, or preparing chappathis or cutting vegetables. Everyone of these acts can be turned into a spiritual exercise by the spirit in which you do it. To perform every act as an offering to the Divine is true devotion." 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 9.7.1995)


"Desires are a source of pleasure for man, but they are also the cause of his grief."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 1.4.1995)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Love of God

"Love of God always gives and never receives. Worldly love always receives and never gives. Spiritual love gives, and goes on giving. Worldly love never gives, but is only ready to receive, with fullness of greed."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
(Divine Discourse - 26.4.1998)

An Old Woman's Gift

Sri Vijayakrishnan, MFM 1993-95 Batch Student of the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, narrated an incident that happened in his presence.

Once he was with the State President of Tamil Nadu Organisation at Sundaram in Chennai.  An old woman walked in with great difficulty with the help of a walking stick.  She had a small old bag and asked some devotee passing by as to where she could donate some money.  She was guided to the office room where Vijay was sitting.  She came inside the room and opened the small old bag and spread out the money on the table.  She told them to give that money to Sai Baba because He was giving water to them.  She said that they all suffered for many years without water.  She had sold all her belongings and that was all the money she could get!  She wanted that money to be given to Sai Baba to be used for the water project.  She had read some newspaper reports about this project.  She further added that because this project was for the benefit of all, she decided to dedicate everything to it.

This was a wonderful miracle of Bhagavan's love that inspires everyone to practise His Message of "Love All, Serve All."

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracle of Love")

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Make a Difference

I love the story of the starfish on the beach. I have read it many times in several different forms over the years but I am always struck by its simple truth. 

One form of it goes like this: A man was walking down the beach one day when he saw a young boy coming towards him. Every few feet or so the boy would stop, bend down, and pick up a starfish. Then with a huge effort he would toss it back into the ocean. 

The man asked the boy why he was doing this. The boy said, “These starfish will die soon out in the heat of the sun. I am tossing them back into the water so they can survive.” 

The man laughed and explained to the boy that there were millions of starfish stranded on beaches like this all over the world. How could he possibly hope to make any difference with his efforts? 

The boy just bent down, picked up another starfish, and tossed it into the sea. “It makes a difference to this one.” he said.

The simple truth is that every single thing we do in this life makes a difference either for good or for ill. The choice is ours which one. Our actions are far more powerful than we think. Each thing we do is like a pebble tossed in a pond. Only God knows how far the ripples will travel or who they will touch.

Make a difference for good in this life then. Share your smile with a stranger. Give another a lift with your car and your kindness. Pick up a piece of trash on the side of the road. Pet a dog. Donate to a charity. Stop and have a long talk with your neighbor. Share a good laugh with a friend. Write a note of encouragement to someone who needs it. Give your children and grandchildren a big hug. Toss a starfish back into the sea. Share your love with everyone you meet. 

Pray and let God guide all of your days here. You will be amazed at how much good you will do. You will be amazed at the difference you will make.

~ Joseph J. Mazzella

Quotable Quotes

“So long as we believe in our heart of hearts that our capacity is limited and we grow anxious and unhappy, we are lacking in faith. One who truly trusts in God has no right to be anxious about anything.” 

Friday, August 18, 2017

Baba's Storytime - Total Faith

There are so many Vedantins and self-styled scholars who preach many precepts but do not practise them. 

There is a story of a pandit who mastered all scriptures and was preaching to people. He used to get milk from a milkmaid who came from a distant village. Because she was not punctual in delivering milk, one day the pandit asked her why she was coming at 8 a.m. one day and at 9 a.m. another day, and not regular, which resulted in his puja (worship) being delayed. She said she had to cross a small river enroute, for which she had to use a boat, and the boatman was giving priority to the more affluent customers, making her to wait for the second trip. She said this was the reason for her delay. 

The pandit mocked her apparent ignorance, and said, “if only you chant the name of God, Om Namo Narayana, you do not need the boat at all, and the river will part and give way to you. Why do you not adopt this easy method?” Because this upadesh (advice) was given by the learned pandit, she had full faith in his words and rehearsed God’s name as she returned home. 

Next day, she uttered the name of Narayana and got into the river and crossed without any difficulty, because it gave way. She repeated in the same manner every day, and was able to deliver milk in time to the pandit. After a few days, the pandit questioned as to how she was able to come in time daily. She told him the fact that she was following the pandit’s advice, and was able to cross the river uttering God’s name. 

The pandit himself had no belief, though he gave the advice to the milkmaid. He wanted to test the veracity of her statement and proceeded to the river bank next day. He chanted the name, but without full faith and got into the river folding up his dhothi (lower garment) lest it might get wet, and was drowned in the river. 

This is the fate of a person who preaches but lacks faith in his own preaching. The illiterate woman had no doubt at all and had total faith. That is why the saying, “You can say a crore of things, but to practise is difficult.”

(From the Divine Discourses of  Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Sai Madhuryam

The entire humanity wants to enjoy a trouble free life 
With a high standard of living and prosperous life. 
But they do not have the desire of wisdom, 
Good behaviour, and devotion to God. 
What more can I tell this august audience 
Of good seekers of Divinity!

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Divine Wisdom


Your sweet arrival in Kulwant Hall,
Showering limitless Grace on one and all.

Your Electrifying Glance with Magnetic Compassion,
A Healing Touch with all surpassing affection.

Your Concern has filled our needs,
Your Assurance guiding our deeds.

You called "us" Your precious treasure,
A kinship beyond human measure.

Swami, wherever, whatever and whenever,
We remember You forever and ever.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

Monday, August 14, 2017

Blessings on Sri Krishna Janmashtami

Murali Dhara Mukunda Murari
Govardhana Giridhari Murari
Maya Nataka Sutra Dhari
MayaManusha Vesha Dhari
Sai Murari Sathya Sai Murari

O Holder of the flute, Lord Mukunda,
Giridhari and Murari!
Thou upheld the mountain Govardhana.
O Lord Sai!  
Thou has assumed the illusive moral Form of human being
and Thou art Controller and Director of the drama of Creation.


Put Your Trust in God

"The great teaching of the Gita is this: Put your trust in God, carry on your duties, be helpful to everyone, and sanctify your lives. Dedicate all actions to God. That is the way to experience oneness with God. God is in you. You are in God. This oneness is the basic truth. Chant the name of the Lord and render social service in a spirit of selflessness and devotion to God."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse: Sri Krishna Janmashtami, 18 August 1995)

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Sai Blossoms

Give Up Body Attachment

"This body is a den of dirt, and prone to diseases;
it is subject to change from time to time; 
it cannot cross the ocean of Samsara. 
It is nothing but a structure of bones. 
Oh mind! Do not be under the delusion that body is permanent. 
Instead take refuge at the Divine Lotus Feet. 

(Telugu Poem) 

It is a grave mistake to identify yourself with the body. Give up body attachment and develop Atmic consciousness. Only then will you understand and experience your true form, i.e., Atma. Otherwise, even the smallest physical ailments like stomachache, headache etc., will make you feel anxious. Physical ailments are like passing clouds. So long as you are deluded by body consciousness, you will be affected by them. Once you give up body attachment, you are no more bound by the body and its limitations."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
(Divine Discourse - 5.10.2003)

Love is Your Greatest Virtue

"God is present in everyone in the form of love. Wherever you go, He is with you. He is the eternal witness. Share your love with others and receive their love in turn. 

Love is your greatest virtue. Love confers the ultimate joy and bliss. God resides in the heart filled with love. Hence, it is essential that you fill your heart with love. 

Where there is love, there is God. You don't need to search for Him. He is always in you, with you, around you, above you and below you. Adhere to the principle of love. Never hate anyone. Hatred is your worst enemy. Once you develop love in you, hatred will naturally vanish."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
(Divine Discourse - 5.10.2003)

Divine Wisdom

Friday, August 11, 2017

Overloaded Roofs

Once during Baba's visit to Kakinada, He addressed a massive gathering.  In front of the dais, three streets stretching into the distance in front and two similar ones on the right and left sides of the dais, were packed with people (every rooftop loaded with a thick crowd of humans).

Baba rose to address the "mammoth" gathering.  But before He began the discourse, He gazed deliberately at every section of the assembly on the ground and on the roofs, on all the three sides, spending over five minutes in all.  While conversing with the devotees, Baba referred to that novel episode.

"Shall I tell you all why I did so?  I was bolstering the roofs of those houses.  When they were built, no one anticipated that one day hundreds would be perching on top.  And did you see the clusters of men astride the branches of those trees?"

No wonder the Loving Lord anticipated and prevented the collapse of overloaded roof slabs by casting His guarding glance at them.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Sai Madhuryam

The company of good people will be very hard to get 
While you have a lot of wicked ones all around the world. 
There are pebbles available in plenty 
But precious gems and diamonds are extremely rare to get.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Monday, August 7, 2017

Cherish Today

It was 25 years ago. Every seat in the church was filled. But it wasn’t for a happy occasion. The coffin sat in the aisle by the front pews. Inside of it was my Mother. After a heroic 4 year battle Cancer had finally taken her body but not her spirit. She had only spent 55 years on this Earth but everyday she had made it a brighter place for those of us around her. I was only 25 years old that day of the funeral and I wasn’t sure how I was going to go on without her.

I can’t remember any of the service. I can only remember sitting in the pew with my family while it felt like a two ton rock was crushing my heart and soul. For days afterward I walked around numb and in a daze. Finally one morning I woke up coughing and having trouble breathing. My wife rushed me to the emergency room and the doctor diagnosed me with double pneumonia. My health had broken as well as my spirit.

In the days to come my body healed much faster than my heart and soul did. In a few weeks I was physically fine, but I still had a lot of grieving to do. It was a long process and a part of it still continues today. A part of us never completely heals from losing someone we love. I did learn many lessons and gained a lot of wisdom as I grieved. Sadly, one of the most important things I learned didn’t stick. I have had to relearn it time and time again in my life. I am praying that this lesson stays with me from now on and I won’t have to learn it again.

The lesson that I learned was that most of us don’t fully cherish or appreciate our lives here until a vital part of them is taken from us. We take things and people for granted. We go through our days rushed and stressed without gratitude or love. We don’t thank God for this glorious gift of life we have been given and for all of the loving people in it.

Don’t make the same mistake that I have made. Learn this lesson now. Take it into your soul. Make a home for it in your heart. Cherish today. Cherish each moment you have been given in this life. Let the people around you know just how much you love them. Let your Father in Heaven know just how thankful you are for the life and the love He has given you. If you do this then you too will make each day better and brighter for those around you and my Mom in Heaven will be smiling down on you.

~ Joseph J. Mazzella 

Divine Wisdom

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Precious Gift

"When a child is born there is no chain of gold or diamond or gems around the neck. But Brahma provides the invisible chain (kantha mala) of results of past actions - good and bad - though no one may be aware of this. Human quality has become rare amongst people now and animal quality is predominant. Man is wasting the precious gift of human life in unworthy pursuits."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 18.4.1998)

God Is In Your Heart

"God is in your heart. Wherever you go and whatever you do, 
it is known to God even if you think none has noticed it."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 18.4.1998)

Baba's Storytime - Atmajnana

The main life principle is prema (love), without which there will be no love between mother and child, between husband and wife, or between friends. Love elevates the individual from human level to divinity. Now, man limits his love to his own kith and kin and other possessions, thus making it narrow. It should be expanded to cover all fellow beings. If love occupies the single seated chair of heart, there will be no room for jealousy, hatred, and other such evil feelings. 

The great queen Madalasa used to sing a lullaby to her children inspiring them to realize the Atma, which was their reality, and cast off attachment to body. Even while the children were in the cradle, she taught them Atmajnana. She sent her three children to the forest to learn scriptures when they came of age. By the time she was about to send her fourth son also, her husband intervened and prevented her from doing so, pleading that if he also was sent away there would be no heir to the throne. She pleaded with her husband that she was only teaching them the Principle of Atma based on Omkara, the Primordial Sound, to make them aware of its greatness, which is hailed by people of all the seven worlds. She said she was singing not a lullaby of world, which was negative, but the Truth related to God, which is positive. 

You have to stick to Daiwathwa (Divine Consciousness) even while you are engaged in worldly activities. In spite of a lapse of millions of years, man is not yet able to understand his reality. How can he realise Divinity? If you develop human qualities, you can easily realise Divinity. 

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Since Ages

O!  Swami, You have brought rays of hope,
By Your very descent on this globe.
This is a boon of boons,
Brighter than the brilliance of  zillion moons.

I cannot believe my own eyes,
That I could see God in human size.
You stole my heart in the very first sight,
I pray to You, day and night.

Since I was completely unaware
That in my previous lives,
Only You have taken my care.
You saved me from perils on countless times
And forgiven me for my ignorant crimes.

Maybe I was a monkey when You were Rama,
A cowherd when You came as a Gopala.
Don't know what destiny scripted for me,
From troubles and turmoil, You've set me free.

In this life, at every step, in every word,
You blessed with Your Avatric descent.
Every noble wish I prayed on earth,
]You granted in plenty, without any dearth.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

May All Living Beings in All the Worlds be Happy

Jewellery is Returned

An elderly couple in Kathmandu had been wanting for many years to go and see Sai Baba but they could never raise the money.  At last the wife suggested that they should sell their ancestral jewellery to a pawnbroker.  With the proceeds of the sale, they wee able to go to Puttaparthi.

On their arrival there, Baba called them for an interview.  He said to them, "Why do you go and sell your jewellery in order to come and see Baba?  It is not necessary to travel so far to see me. I am always with you in your hearts and your home."  He then produced every piece of their jewellery and gave these to them.  

On their return home, they went to the pawnbroker and said that they would like to buy their jewellery back.  The pawnbroker went pale and stammered out, "I am very sorry but just after you left, a man came in and insisted on buying every single item of your jewellery."

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")