Monday, October 30, 2017

May All Living Beings in All the Worlds be Happy

No Good Deed

Someone online sold my mailing address so now instead of just getting letters from the few charities I can afford to support, I am also getting letters from a dozen other charities asking for my help. One of my more cynical friends spouted the old saying, "No good deed ever goes unpunished." I just smiled and did not argue knowing it would not change his mind. My own mind, however, was remembering another moment since many years ago.

It was a windy, snowy day in December. I was a young Dad who had saved just enough cash to buy my children some presents for Christmas. I walked to the store and saw the Salvation Army kettle with a man ringing a bell standing next to it. Next to him was his daughter, a little girl no more than three feet tall, bundled up against the biting cold. I took a dollar bill out of my wallet and dropped it into the kettle. As the man was thanking me, though, I felt a pressure on my legs. I looked down and saw that the little girl was giving me her own thank you hug. I smiled down at her, bent down and hugged her back. Then I went inside feeling a warmth that no winter wind could ever take away.

Thinking back on that moment in time I was reminded that no good deed ever goes unrewarded. We may not always get an instantaneous, heart-felt hug but in time every act of giving, every act of goodness, and every act of love that we make flows from heart to heart and soul to soul, around the world and back to us Again

No good deed is ever wasted. Every good deed brings a little bit of Heaven here to Earth. Do not let this sometimes cynical world get you down then. Do not let the problems and pains of life pull you from your goal. Share your love today! Give from your heart. Fill your life with acts of kindness. Let God's light shine through everything you say and everything you do.

~ Joseph J. Mazzella

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Quotable Quotes

"If you know how to be happy with the wonders of life that are already there for you to enjoy, you do not need to stress your mind and your body by striving harder and harder, and you do not need to stress this planet by purchasing more and more stuff. The Earth belongs to our children. We have already borrowed too much from it, from them; and the way things have been going, we're not sure we'll be able to give it back to them in decent shape. And who are our children, actually? They are us, because they are our own continuation. So we've been shortchanging our own selves. 

Much of our modern way of life is permeated by mindless over borrowing. The more we borrow, the more we lose. That's why it's critical that we wake up and see that we do not need to do that anymore. What's already available in the here and now is plenty for us to be nourished, to be happy. Only that kind of insight will get us, each one of us, to stop engaging in the compulsive, self-sabotaging behaviors of our species. We need a collective awakening. One Buddha is not enough. All of us have to become Buddhas in order for our planet to have a chance. Fortunately, we have the power to wake up, to touch enlightenment from moment to moment, in our very ordinary and, yes, busy lives. So let's start right now. Peace is your every breath. " 

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

Sai Madhuryam

At nightfall the moon is the illuminator; 
At dawn it is the Sun who illumines; 
Righteousness illumines the three worlds; 
A virtuous son is the light of the family.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Divine Wisdom

Friday, October 27, 2017

Let Him Be

As Polo Star guides the vessel in midst of sea,
Swami grasps shivering hands of those who cannot see.

As beautiful Autumn clasps the woods of heat,
He let us embrace His Lotus Feet.

Dearest Swami, let us not lose that grip,
Those wonderful moments let not at all flip.

A voyage with Swami should never touch the bay,
Let Him be with us all the way.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Curing by Crushing

This beautiful story was narrated by a devotee.

One day Swami was giving darshan in Prasanthi Nilayam when a small girl, barely five years old, was trying to give a letter to Swami, who took the letter, crumpled it and threw it down.  Everyone was shocked and very disappointed.  Only later it came to light that the small girl had a heart ailment and doctors in Madras and Hyderabad confirmed the presence of a hole in her heart. When they came to the Super Speciality Hospital at Prasanthi Gram,  the same diagnosis was given.  The date of the operation was fixed.  The girl's mother wrote the letter and gave it to the child to hand it to Swami. When Swami crumpled and threw it down, the mother took it as rejection and her heart bled for her child.  But the Lord's ways are inscrutable.

The day of the operation dawned and the girl was wheeled into the Operation Theatre.  When the final tests were done, the doctors could not believe  what they found.  They checked again and found no trace of the hole in her heart.  The child was perfectly healthy.  They went home happy and grateful. When Swami crumpled the letter, he had "crushed" the hole in the heart!

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Sai Blossoms

Significance of Paadanamaskar

"The idea behind bowing one's head at the feet of Bhagavan is that thereby sacred thoughts enter the devotee's mind. This means that when one comes in contact with Bhagavan's feet, the sacred impulses from them flow to the devotee. When the devotee's head touches the Lord's feet, the Lord's divine energy flows towards him. This implies that you should keep contact with only pure objects and keep away from impure objects."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 15.3.1992)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Your Spiritual Family

"Swami often reminds you of your spiritual family where Truth is your father, Love is your mother, Wisdom is your son, Peace is your daughter, Devotion is your brother, and Yogis are your friends. In the spiritual path these are your true relatives, who will always accompany you. When you have this kind of relationship, when you treasure this kind of friendship, you will be able to break the bonds of the world and become free. "

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 17.2.1985)

Monday, October 23, 2017

Divine Wisdom

Baba's Storytime - Raja Yoga

Love which arises at one moment and fades the next moment is not love at all. True love shines like a pure divine flame in the heart of the man whose soul has no birth and death. True love is not subject to growth and decay. Whatever grows or declines is related to the ego. True love should be regarded as an effulgent flame. 

Once, Emperor Janaka approached the Sage Yajnavalkya and asked him: "Oh Sage! Please let me know the facts about my previous life." 

The Sage replied: "What is past is past. There is no use in recalling it. You have completed a journey along a road. Do not bother about the road that has been traversed. It does not redound to your glory." 

Although the sage used many arguments to dissuade Janaka from persisting in his request, Janaka was insistent on knowing about his previous birth. 

Yajnavalkya then resorted to his divine insight and told the Emperor: "Janaka, your wife in the present birth was your mother in your previous life." 

On hearing this, Janaka was shocked. He reflected: "What a wicked person have I been to treat my former mother as my wife! I must give up such a wicked life." 

From that moment he began to treat his queen as his mother, and giving up all attachments to worldly things, began to pursue spiritual wisdom. (The spiritual discipline he practised is known as Raja Yoga). 

When, while performing one's duties, one cherishes divine aspirations and contemplates on God, leading a purposeful life, it is called Raja Yoga. This kind of devotion to duty, while pursuing one's spiritual Sadhana, was exemplified by Emperor Janaka, who attained liberation in this way. Every person has to discharge his duties in this spirit. Then, duty is God.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Quotable Quotes

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sai Madhuryam

You can reset a tree to make it grow straight, 
You can straighten even a granite stone. 
But you cannot easily set right 
the mind and rid it of its vagaries.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

What's Love Got To Do with It?

If I decorate my house perfectly with matching pillows, perfect lighting and all the right colors, but do not show love, I'm just another decorator.

If I slave away in the kitchen, making perfect meals with healthful ingredients, but do not show love, I'm just another cook.

If I work at the soup kitchen, visit people in nursing homes and give all that I have to charity, but do not show love, it profits me nothing.

If I volunteer every chance I get, but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point.

Love stops the cooking to hug the child.

Love sets aside the cleaning to kiss the husband.

Love is kind, though harried and tired.

Love doesn't envy another's life, but is thankful for what they have.

Love doesn't yell at the kids to get out of the way, but is thankful they are there to be in the way.

Love doesn't give only to those who are able to give in return, but rejoices in giving to those who can't.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.

Love never dies!

What's LOVE got to do with it? 

~ Kate Heitsch ~

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hearing the Clarion Call

When You descended as Lord Rama,
I jumped into the army, as vanara.

When You were in holy Dwaraka,
I reached those doorsteps, as a Gopika.

When You came as Sri Sathya Sai Baba,
In You I behold both Krishna and Rama.

As a student, in Your college,
I am enveloped within the Divine Foliage.

Age after age, hearing the Clarion Call,
At Your Lotus Feet, I come and fall.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

Lost Talisman

One evening, Baba took all those devotees, who were at the old Mandir, to the sands of the river.  After Bhajan, Baba called one devotee, Sri C.N.P. near Him and talked to him consolingly about his personal problems.  Suddenly He took out from the sands a talisman or Raksha and handed it to C.N.P. Baba had already given one talisman to this devotee some time back and he had kept that in a silver box in the shrine at his home.  When Baba gave him another, he was alarmed that his problems had worsened, that was why Baba felt he needed another Raksha as additional protection.

So he made bold to question Swami as to why a second Raksha for him.  Smilingly, the loving Lord replied, "This is the one I gave you last!  You left it at home in a silver box, it had been stolen yesterday.  Here, keep this Raksha safe!"

And it was true, when C.N.P. went home, he found the house broken into and the silver box gone, along with some other silverware!

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Quotable Quotes

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don't try to be a magnolia flower. If you crave acceptance and recognition and try to change yourself to fit what other people want you to be, you will suffer all your life. True happiness and true power lie in understanding yourself, accepting yourself, having confidence in yourself.” 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Happy Diwali

"Today is the day on which Naraka, the demon was killed. What does this event signify? It signifies killing the demon in man. 'Nara' means man and 'Asura' means demon. This demon is present in every human being. It is not necessary to acquire great weapons to kill this demon. Man is called 'Nara' because there is Atma (spirit) in him. That Atma is the embodiment of love. It is possible to kill the demons only through love. Therefore, realize the Atma Tathva and develop love. This is true Bhakti (devotion)."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse: November 4, 2002)

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Divine Wisdom

Total Surrender

"Regard the entire cosmos as the great mansion of the Supreme Lord. 
It has no streets or doors. 
Total surrender is the way to enter the mansion."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 1.1.1992)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Baba's Storytime - Ingratitude

Ingratitude is rampant. Not only are people forgetting all the good that is done to them, but they are doing harm to those who have helped them. History provides a bitter example of such ingratitude. 

You are aware of Ghori Mohammed who invaded India several times and plundered the country. At last in one encounter with Raana Prithviraaj, he was defeated and captured by Prithviraaj. Prithviraaj pardoned him and let him off. 

Later on, by nefarious methods Ghori caught Prithviraaj. Then he decided to put an end to Prithviraaj's life. At that time, the Divine intervened, in answer to Prithviraaj's prayers, and an arrow released by Prithviraaj went straight to Ghori's neck and severed his head. Thus the evil-doer was punished by the Lord. 

The lesson is clear. Don't harbour ill-will towards anybody. Don't do any harm to others. Get rid of doubts and develop faith in God. People today are filled with doubts of every kind. By truthful speech, by generous hands, by listening to what is ennobling, people must overcome the untoward happenings of this Kali age. It is by these means that human life can be redeemed.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Three Ornaments

"With faith in the omnipresence of the Divine, man should engage himself in good deeds, cherish good thoughts and dedicate his life to good practices. His words should be words of truth. The ornaments he should cherish are truthfulness in speech, charity for the hands and listening to sacred lore for the ears. Develop faith in your divinity. Then you will redeem your life. Follow your conscience. Make your heart pure."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 1.1.1996)

Sai Madhuryam

Devotion alone bestows the supreme good; 
Devotion alone is the destroyer of the disease of the cycle of birth and death; 
Devotion alone is the means of recognizing Divinity; 
Devotion alone is the means of Liberation. 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Darshana's Earrings

In 1967, during His visit to Bombay, Bhagawan stayed at Sri Indulal Shah's residence at Santa Cruz.  One day, Bhagawan was having breakfast along with the members of His party.  Smt. Sarata Shah served them hot vadas. 

Bhagawan picked up the vada served to Him, gave it to Indulal's daughter, Darshana and complained, "Look at what you mother has served Me.  Break it open and see for yourself!"

When she broke it into two pieces, she found to her great surprise, two earrings, one in each piece, shining brightly amidst the hot stuff!  Bhagawan got up smiling and removed the earrings and showed them to eveyone around.  Finally, the loving Mother Sai Himself put the earrings on Darshana's ears.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

Monday, October 9, 2017

You Incarnate

Swami, age after age,
You incarnate,
To win millions of hearts.

Swami, age after age,
You incarnate,
To shelter countless destitutes.

Swami, age after age,
You incarnate,
To absorb the sins of mankind.

If all this is Your compassion,
Penning the expanse of Thy love
Will never come to an end.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

May All Living Beings in All the Worlds be Happy

Saturday, October 7, 2017

A Moment of Clarity

It was a long drive to the nursing home where my Grandmother was living, but at least twice a month I got into the car with my small children to make the trip to see her. We had already lost my Mom to cancer and I wanted them to be able to remember Nana. I wanted to be able to remember her as well, especially because she was beginning to forget me.

Nana had Alzheimer’s disease. It was slowly starting to eat away at her memories. Sometimes she recognized us when we visited and sometimes she didn’t. Most of the time she spent her days in bed, not wanting to be put in her wheelchair anymore to visit the living room or dining room.

On one visit we did coax her out of her room and wheeled her around to visit the nurses and go out into the garden. After I put her back to bed and kissed her good-bye I started to walk my kids back to the car when suddenly a tiny hand grabbed mine. 

“James!”, a happy voice said. I turned and saw a smiling, wrinkled face with snow white hair. Like my Nana, she had Alzheimer’s disease but was still able to walk and get around well. She had mistaken me for her son before. A nurse told me that he had died years ago. I held her hands and let her joyfully go on. Even though her eyes didn’t know who I was, I could see the sparkle in them when she spoke to her son through me.

On the visits that followed I always made time to visit her as well as my Nana. I always got a smile and sometimes even a hug from her. The nurses told me that she was always calmer and happier after seeing her “Son”.

Then one day I noticed that she wasn’t there. I spoke to the nurses and they sadly told me that she had died a few days before from a stroke. I put my head down and went quietly into my Nana’s room.

Her loss didn’t really hit me until I had gotten the kids back home. When it did I decided to go for a walk in the woods. I looked at the sky, wiped my wet eyes, and asked God to wrap her in His loving arms for all eternity. Then in a moment of clarity I realized something: for a while I really had been her son. 

In this world we are all family. In this world we are all connected by invisible strings of love. Even now many years later I thank God for letting me be there for her in the last days of her life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” Never pass up a moment to share your kindness and joy. Never pass up a second to share your love. Take every opportunity to give your goodness to others and to God. Live as if everyone in the world is your family. Because they are!

~ Joseph J. Mazzella 

Quotable Quotes

"Old friends pass away, new friends appear. 
It is just like the days. 
An old day passes, a new day arrives. 
The important thing is to make it meaningful: 
a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day."

~ Dalai Lama ~

Divine Wisdom

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Follow the Conscience

"Don't rely on the body. It is a water bubble. Don't rely on the mind, which is like a mad monkey. Follow the conscience. When you follow the conscience with full self-confidence, you can accomplish anything."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 30.8.1993)

Attaining Immortality

"To seek the Truth and experience God, there is no need to go out anywhere. By going to a forest or visiting temples, the inner being is not purified. Renouncing all worldly things, one must explore his inner life. This prescription of sacrifice is what the Vedhas recommended for attaining immortality."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 24.3.1993)

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Baba's Storytime - Where is God?

People should endeavour to understand the Aathmik principle. What is the Aathma? Where is it? 

These questions were raised by a king. Where is God? Where does He cast His looks? What does He do? 

Few in his court could answer these questions. He then summoned a sage and asked him: 

"Where is God?" 

He replied, "Like butter in milk, He is everywhere." 

"Where does God cast His eyes?" asked the king. 

"In which direction does this lamp shed its light?" asked the sage in return. 

 "It sheds its light in all directions," answered the king. 

The sage observed- "Likewise, God is effulgent and sees everything everywhere. There is no particular direction for God's vision. He is all-seeing and omnipresent." 

The king then asked: "What work does God do?" 

The sage said: “To answer this question I have to assume the role of the preceptor and you should accept the role of the disciple. Are you prepared for this?” 

The King said "Yes." 

The sage said: "In that case, you better come down from the throne and sit down, while I sit on the throne." 

When the king sat down the sage remarked: "This is what God does. He brings down the mighty and elevates the humble, He can make the poor rich and the rich poor. He can do anything. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and allpervading." 

These are true characteristics of God. He is all-pervading like butter in milk. He is all-seeing like the light of a lamp which sends out its rays all around. God is also all-powerful. He can do anything. 

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Quotable Quotes

Sai Madhuryam

Let Us Be Grateful

If Swami never came down to this land,
We would not be enjoying the benefits of the Benevolent Hand.
If Swami would've chosen not to preach about Universal Peace,
Surely this Universe would never present itself, in one piece.

If Swami's blessings are withdrawn from this country,
Then every region would have been exhumed in complete fury.
If Swami would've never expounded the Highest Wisdom,
Millions would've remained ignorant regarding the Spiritual Freedom.

So let us not underestimate Bhagawan's Grace,
Which He showered on humanity in bounteous ways.
Let us be ever grateful to our Bhagawan's vision,
By losing ourselves in His mighty mission.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")