Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My "Joy" Story


June 8, 2012 was the most dreadful day in my life. The day started as usual at 5:45 a.m. with my usual kitchen work and cooking for the family. Then came the phone call from Chennai that my father, who is an extremely active and spiritual soul, had passed away that morning in his sleep. It was so shocking and sudden that I had to rush to the airport along with my two kids.

I was in a state of confusion and panic. I managed to get three air tickets for a flight to Chennai at the airport entrance. As I stood in queue for the boarding pass, there was an old man who was also travelling to Chennai. He was right behind me in queue. I noticed that the old man was struggling to follow directions. So my kids and I waited for him. It happened just with an eye contact. No words were spoken at all. We walked slowly along with him to the seating area. He said he wanted to go to the washroom and asked us to wait with his small bag and we did that. It all happened so naturally.

We then waited for the flight and not a word was spoken at all. I was still in a state of shock and was not even able to cry. We boarded the flight and landed at Chennai as per schedule. We didn’t carry any checked-in baggage but we noticed that the old man was again confused as he had checked-in luggage. So my children and I waited with him for the baggage and then escorted him to the exit.

It was then that the old man beckoned and blessed me and my kids with showers of blessings in pure Sanskrit phrases. I was overwhelmed and couldn’t stop crying as I ran towards the taxi area to run home and attend my father’s last rites. As Sai devotees it is natural to love and serve all. But that day, I realized the power of service even when we are at the weakest situation of our lives. 

~ Shoba Rao ~
(Story from Radio Sai)

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