Friday, August 15, 2014

Holy Krishna Janmashtami 2014

“The incarnation of Krishna proclaimed the doctrine of divine love, as manifested by the cowherd maids (Gopikas). Man is like an earthen pot filled with nectar. His body may be made of clay, but his spirit is eternal. The Divine has to be experienced through the body. Hence, human birth should not be treated as something trivial. Human life is worth living; it should be cherished as something precious. 

But today, such a precious gift is being treated as dirt. It is essential to realise the value of human existence. What is the goal of human life? It is to go back to the source from which we came. Our duty is to return to our primordial source. You have come from the Atma. You have to go back to the Atma. You have come from the Brahman (Supreme Self). You have to merge in the Brahman. You have incarnated as a spark of Brahman. You have to become the Brahman. 

That is the ideal. That is the goal. In between, there may be many impediments. You should ignore them. Have unshakable faith. That is true devotion”. 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
 (Divine Discourse - 18.8.1995)

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