Saturday, August 23, 2014

See Good


I open my eyes and what do I see?
God in man, in bird, in tree,
God is every stick and stone,
For everything is God alone.

He's in each tiny beetle, in soft furry cats,
In snakes and in spiders, in monkeys and rats,
The sun, the moon, the faraway star,
Everything, Baba, is what you are.

You're the air that I breathe, the water I drink
The blue of the sky and the cloud, rosy pink.
Above and behind me, in front and beside,
There's nowhere, from Baba, that I can hide.

I close my eyes and what do I see?
Everything is God to me.

~ Deirdre West ~
(Sanathana Sarathi - Nov/Dec 1995)

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