Sunday, November 24, 2019

Conversations with Sai - 10

Swami, What does surrender to the Lord mean in such common things as shaving, going to the market, walking and so on?

Surrendering to the Lord is surrendering all thoughts and actions, not wishing for the fruits of the action, not doing action to gain its fruit but doing the action because it is one's duty. The act is dedicated to the Lord and the results, therefore, are borne by the Lord. Actions done thus - fruits abandoned at the time of the action - such action is free of karma. Since the ego, in this way, is not fed and cultivated, it disappears before long. 

For example, if one shaves, which is classed as an uninspired mundane task, the attitude is that one is preparing for the sake of the Lord in the heart, and one is making the best of his appearance to honour the Lord, and not for one's personal vanity or reward. Also, in walking, offer the action to the Lord to maintain a body fit for the Lord to live in; and that is the attitude for every single act of the day. Sweeping the house is dedicated to the Lord so that He may have a fit dwelling. And cooking also is dedicated to Him so that the body may be strong and vigorous for the benefit of the Lord. 

(From "Conversations with Sai" - Radio Sai - 1.2.2005)

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