Sunday, July 18, 2021

"No One Knows My Age"

It is in this context that Bhagavan made a statement that will be of interest to all of you.  He said, "Here is a man who said that he has now crossed 83 years old.  Another man here says that he has just completed 60 years.  But I can tell you that no one knows My age!  No one knows My age!"  Bhagavan did not comment any further on this statement.

But I started reflecting on one of His earlier statements.  In one of His poems, He said: "God has neither a beginning nor an end, neither birth nor death.  He is non-dual.  God is existence.  There is nothing like appearance and disappearance for God."

So when Baba says, "No one knows My age", it means that He is infinite.  His so-called November 23 Birthday is only the age of His body, not of His Divinity.  That is one explanation.

The second explanation is that He is 77 years old this year.  However, in the previous incarnation, He came as Shirdi; while in earlier ages, He came as Krishna and as Rama.  So who can say His true age?  He has manifested from time to time, from age to age, in response to prayers and according to a designed, stipulated program for establishing Peace, Love, Truth and Righteousness.  So in this Sathya Sai form, in this current body, we know His age.  But we cannot say His true age because He has taken so many different forms from age to age.

Therefore, Bhagavan is correct when He says, "No one knows My actual date of birth."  It is because He was never born!  Further I can also say, "Bhagavan is never born nor will He ever leave us."

Instead of trying to figure out His age, we can put it this way: Bhagavan is a cosmic visitor.  He is here as a visitor, having neither a beginning nor an end.  His statement about no one knowing His birth date is an indirect way of communicating  His Divinity to all of us.

(From Prof. K. Anil Kumar's Satsang:Baba's Conversations with Students (Sai Pearls of Wisdom Pt. 6) 4.12.2002)

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