Thursday, July 22, 2021

Social Norms


Q40: Swami!  How should we conduct ourselves socially?  What are social norms?

Bhagawan: You should forget two things: the help you have given to others and the harm others have done to you.  Moreover, you should remember two things: the help that others have given to you and the harm you have done to others.  Then there will be no ego, pride, jealousy, envy, hatred and other evil tendencies in you.

You should also note another important thing.  However small a fault or mistake there is in you, take is as a very big one.  At the same time when you notice a big mistake in others, you should consider it a very small one.  Take your own goodness as tiny and that of others as mighty.  This attitude helps you to correct yourself, improve yourself and enable you to forgive and forget the lapses of others.

But today quite the opposite is happening.  Everyone magnifies his own goodness and minimises that of others, considers his own Himalayan blunders small as an anthill, while he gives Himalayan magnitude even to the smallest mistakes of others.  This is the cause of all conflicts and infighting.

There are still two more extreme categories of people.  Some of them portray their lapses as merits, project their mistakes as right things and try to focus on their virtues, which are actually missing in them.  Then there is the last category of people who are even worse than demons.  These are the people who attribute faults, mistakes and defects to others, which are all false, and totally ignore their merits.  Correct your own mistakes first.  Judge others by their merits and not by their faults.  Seek out your own faults and others' merits.

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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