Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Attachment to Sense Objects


"It is running after vishaya vasana - attachment to sense objects - that produces all this discontent. That vasana, that type of desire, has no end.

Once you become a slave to the senses, they will not leave hold of you until your death. It is an unquenchable thirst. But I call you to Me and even grant worldly boons, so that you may turn Godward.

No Avathara has done like this before, going among the people, the masses, the millions, and counseling them, guiding them, consoling them, uplifting them, directing them along the path of Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi and Prema (Truth, Virtue, Peace and Love)."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(SSS Vol. 14)

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