Saturday, October 30, 2021

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks

"For Namasmarana (repeated remembrance of the Lord’s Name), no expense is involved; no materials are needed; there is no special place or time to be provided. No qualification of scholarship or caste or sex has to be proved.

When a bit of iron is rubbed to and fro on a slab of stone, heat is generated; only, the rubbing has to be vigorous and continuous. When you do so at intervals and with poor pressure, the iron will not get hot.

So, too, in order to get sufficient heat to melt the soft heart of the Lord, rub the name Ram Ram Ram Ram vigorously and unintermittingly. Then, the Lord will shower His Grace.

If you devote but two minutes and a half in the morning and another two minutes and a half in the evening, the little heat will cool off twice a day and His heart will not melt."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(SSS Vol. 14)

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