Monday, November 8, 2021

My Baba and I

When I was 9 months old, Baba blessed me by putting His hand on my head.  When I was 2 years old, Baba cut my hair.  When I was 5 years old, we went to Kodaikanal.  My mum had bought a slate for me so that Baba would write an Aum on it.

My mum would not let me hold the slate because she thought I would write on it.  I promised her that I would not draw on it.

That day, we had line 1.  We were sitting in the first row, when Baba came out.  He came straight to us and wrote on the slate with the chalk.  As Baba was writing on the slate, I bent down and touched His divine feet.

My mum was proud of me, as she was surprised I did this without her prompting me to do so.  My mum thought she was dreaming.

In 1995, Baba blessed our family with an interview, when I was three years old.  I slept through the whole interview and He told my parents that He would take my sister and me into His school after two years' time.

Without Baba's teachings, I would not be the same person as I am now.  I pray with Baba's blessings that I will grow up to be a good person.

~ Sai Darshan (UK) 

(Written when he was 8 years old)

(From: "Spiritual Impressions")

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