Thursday, November 25, 2021

Reserved Seat

Discussing the question of controlling desires and developing detachment, Sri Sathya Sai Baba once narrated the story of a sadhu in Rishikesh.  The sadhu was in the habit of begging for food and then rushing with the food thus obtained to a nearby rocky terrain to sit on a special stone ledge and partake of the food.

It so happened that on one occasion, he was delayed and so went to his favourite spot rather late.  To his dismay, he found that another sadhu, who had got ahead of him, had squatted on his favourite stone and was enjoying his food.

Immediately the sadhu shouted, "That is my place and you should not have sat there!"

Everyone laughed as Sri Baba concluded the story saying that even sadhus after giving up everything sometimes get attached to a mere stone!

(From the book "Sai Humour")

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