Monday, November 1, 2021

Sai Madhuryam

 The ever auspicious Lord 

The manifest form of Om,

 the one who has come to teach, 

The One who churns for butter, the hearts and minds of men, 

The Friend, the charmer, the liberator from blinding bondage, 

The Comforter of those who clamour and pray, 

the Destroyer of currents that drag, 

The Consoler of torn hearts, like the moon so cool, 

The Derider of Pride, the Healer, curing birth and death, 

The Lotus-eyed, the Negator of Time, Himself the process and the play of Time, 

The Thief who steals for Himself the pure minds of the good, 

Beauty embodied, the child of Dhevaki, Vaasudheva, Son of Vaasudhev, 

The glory of the Yadhu race, is here, with you, beside you.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

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