Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Watch

Once Swami picked up a South African devotee for an interview.  This devotee was full of doubts about Baba and that was the first time he came to Parthi with an intention to understand Baba.

After talking to him for a while, Swami asked him, "What do you want?", then the reply came, "I want a watch."  Baba immediately materialised a watch and gave it to him.  The testing devotee asked further that he wanted the bill.  Well, Swami waved His hand in thin air to give a bill, which, to the astonishment of the devotee, had the address of this very devotee's hometown in South Africa, with that day's date.  The totally surprised devotee took that invoice and came out of the room wondering how on earth Swami could buy a watch from his own town which was more than 10,000 miles away from Parthi.

On his return to his town, he went to the shop which issued that invoice to find the duplicate and checked.  It was there.  No magic, the duplicate existed, the shop owner recollected the incident and narrated, "On that day a small tiny person with curly hair and red robe came to my shop to buy the watch.  He spent a long time to select this one and took it, paid the money.  He immediately left the place.  But after a few minutes, He came back and asked for the receipt.  Very pleasing personality," the shopkeeper continued.

(From a Sai journal published by South African devotees)

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