Sunday, November 14, 2021

Unconditional Love and Devotion


"This happened in 1985, during my second trip to Swami.  I was walking back after listening to a discourse Swami gave to His students and on the way, I stopped to see Sai Geetha.  I touched her and felt such love radiating from her.  I looked into her eyes and our eyes met.  I remember thinking as if I was looking deep into a human's eyes as I continued to look deep within her.  Sri Reddy told us if we said "Sai Ram", she would respond and she did too curling up her trunk.  I was deeply moved by her presence and the gentleness of such a large elephant.

And about the time I was to leave, I heard a commotion.  Everybody was expecting Swami's car to come that way.  I waited for the chance and noticed Sai Geetha rocking back and forth in great anticipation - she knew He was coming.  I hoped He would stop and visit Sai Geetha, unfortunately, that was not to happen nor did He even wave to her.  As the car passed, He was actually looking the other way.  And then when I turned to look at her, the disappointment that shadowed her being was heart-breaking.  I watched tears toll down her radiant face and could feel how much she loved her Swami.  She was focused on Him so intently.  I realized she had more devotion in her heart than most of us present there.  She taught me what unconditional love and devotion is."

~ Sally Kimball (Denver, Colorado)

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