Thursday, November 18, 2021

Women of Sterling Character


" Chandramathi was a woman of sterling character. She always followed her husband, Harishchandra. When they were passing through difficulties, she infused courage in him saying, “Oh king, you are highly intelligent and educated. You should never give scope to weakness and waver from your chosen path. We are swimming in the ocean of truth. We should not give up our resolve till we reach the shores.” 

In this manner, women of those days would encourage their husbands to follow the path of truth. Sita did not shed tears even in extremely trying circumstances. Though surrounded by demons, she was never afraid of them. She spent her time in the contemplation of Lord Rama, and thus set an ideal. 

The same can be said of Damayanti. She was one of virtues. With her strong determination, she helped her husband regain his kingdom. In this manner, women of those days earned a name for themselves with their sterling character and ideal motherhood. Today’s women should make them role models."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba

 (Divine Discourse - 19.11.2002)

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