Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Sai Blossoms

"Look upon the body as a moving temple. Wherever you go, God is with you. Do not indulge in debates over what is God and where is God. God has to be experienced through faith and confidence. Where there is confidence, there is Peace, there is Truth. Where there is Truth, there is Bliss. Where there is Bliss, there is God.

Bliss is everywhere. The bliss that is in you is limited by your body-consciousness. You must extend that bliss and make it all-embracing. When a child is born, he is a lone individual. As he grows, he has wife and children. When the children get married the kinships get wider. This widening of relationships occurs in a single family. You have to widen your outlook to cover the entire human family."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba

(Divine Discourse - 17.2.1989)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Baba's Storytime - Lakshmana Counsels Guha



The knowledge that you are architect of your fortune and that you can, by steady effort, rebuild it or foster it, that you are every day laying on or pulling down the structure of your career, will be a great inspiration provided you welcome it. 

It was the first night of Râma, Lakshmâna and Sîtâ in the thick jungle into which they were exiled. Guha, the chieftain of the fishermen, who had rowed them across the Ganges was engaged in subdued conversation with Lakshmâna, while Râma and Sîtâ were sleeping on the riverbank! Guha was sunk in sorrow, that the inheritor of the empire should be cast on the sands under the sky; he cursed the queen and her wicked accomplices for contriving this breathtaking tragedy. 

But Lakshmâna prayed that he halt his tirade. "I too emitted fiery fury at the perpetrators of this tragedy. For, I did not know the inner purpose of this chapter of Râma's history. He has come in this human form to destroy the evil brood of demons, and so, He has himself contrived this exile, to be free from imperial responsibilities until that aim is accomplished! What do we know, dear Guha, of the mysteries of God or even of man, who is God in human attire? Or of any living being or non-living matter, for they are the entire inscrutable divine, appearing to our limited senses in the way they do. What their real nature is, how can we ever know, with these inefficient instruments of knowledge?"

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks

"Man has, through the ages, sought liberation, struggled for freedom from bondage. But, he has no correct appreciation of what he has to liberate himself from, what the bondage is from which he has to be freed. Many are not even aware that they are imprisoned and are bound. So, they do not even try to free themselves. Is the family, the wife and children, the prison? Are riches, properties and possessions the bonds? Are attractions and aversions the bonds that curb him? No. None of these binds him. The tightest bond that limits his feelings and deeds is his ignorance of who he really is."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(SSS Vol. 16)

Monday, January 13, 2025

Food for Thought - "We Want Swami"

"Devotees keep repeating, "We want Swami, we want Swami."  They want to be close to Swami.  But they are not able to put Swami's words or ideals into practice.  Swami is not different from His words.  Put into practice Swami's words.  If you do that, then Swami is automatically with you.  If you only want Him physically, but do not practise what He says, then even if you are physically close to Him, He will be far, far away from you."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Food for Thought No. 2076)

Gems of Wisdom

Center of life- purity of soul

In this ocean of life, our existence represents joy, peace and positivity. This is the same divine light that shines in every heart, but often this light is covered with clouds of negativity. As the sun always shines, so is the light of the soul continuously shines. It's only our vision that sometimes doesn't see it.

Balance of laziness and karma

Laziness may sound sweet, but it is the sweetness that slowly kills the energy of life. Karma can taste bitter, but the result is always sweet. The real happiness of life is hidden in the endeavors that lead us to the welfare of ourselves and others.

The essence of a devotee

Krishna in Geeta says, "My devotee never falls. "Being a devotee means having truth and dedication in your heart. If we act away from deception, with simplicity and confidence, each of our failures becomes a ladder and lead us to heights.

The importance of true service

Service is the lamp, which not only illuminates the path of others, but also removes the darkness within us. When we ease someone's pain, we receive their blessings. These blessings make our soul more energetic and pure.

Meditation and vision

Remembering what is lost in life is like living in the shadow of past. True focus should be on what we desire. The true practice of life is in cherishing what we have and accepting what is in our way.

The beauty of the struggle

Struggle teaches us that true victory is done alone. The convoy of success comes when we complete our journey ourselves. So take every difficulty an opportunity and believe in the power of your soul.

Every moment of life teaches us a new lesson. It is our duty to recognize, reveal our inner light and fill this world with a little more peace, love and joy.

Find the divinity within yourself, that leads you to perfection.

Samastha Lokha Sukhino Bhavanthu

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Quotable Quotes


"The Internet is an item of consumption, full of nutrients that are both healing and toxic. It’s so easy to ingest a lot in just a few minutes online. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use the Internet, but you should be conscious of what you are reading and watching.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

True Happiness


True happiness is not objective.  For example, a TV or a car is an object.  These are only objects and hence, obstructions to true happiness.  Hence it is impossible to have true happiness out of such objects.  Real joy lies not in objectivity but in subjectivity.  True happiness is subjective.  Worldly happiness is objective.  That is the reason why Swami says, "Happiness lies in union with God."

(From the book "Sai-chology" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar

Contemplate on God Constantly

"Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a great disciple of Lord Krishna, said, ‘‘Think of God incessantly. Chant His Name. There is nothing in this world except God.” 

 He went about singing the glory of Lord Krishna in the streets. Some miscreants, jealous of his growing reputation, snatched away the cymbals from his hands. 

Thereafter he started playing on a drum while singing the Divine Name. The drum too was also broken by the miscreants, but he was least perturbed. He started clapping and singing bhajans, as he felt there was no need for instruments to sing the Lord’s Name. 

Then they beat him up mercilessly. His body started bleeding profusely, but Chaitanya continued to chant the Divine Name calmly, and within a few minutes, all blood and pain disappeared miraculously! 

Remember, difficulties in life do not cause any hindrance to a person pursuing a noble course of life. In spite of troubles and difficulties, they always remain at peace and contemplate on God constantly!"

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 6.5.2001)

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Janani Janani ...


Janani Janani Sathya Sai Shubha Janani 

Jagat Kaarini Paripoorani Sayeeshwari Janani 

Sathya Swaroopini Janani 

Dharma Samvardhini Janani 

Shaanta Swaroopini Janani 

Prema Pradaayini Janani (Sai)


Oh Auspicious Mother Sathya Sai, You ferry the entire world across the ocean of life and death. 

You give in abundant measure. 

You are the very embodiment of Truth.

You are the one who promotes right conduct in people. 

You are the embodiment of blissful peace. 

You give selfless love in abundance.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

How to Curb Mental Agitations

How can we curb our mental agitations and cultivate the right attitude to perform our duties? Bhagawan guides us today with two powerful examples.

"When the Pandavas were traversing the Himalayas toward the end of their careers, Dharmaraja was still affected by mental anxieties, so he prayed to Krishna to spend some time with them. On His departure from their dwelling, Krishna gave Dharmaraja a note, which he was to read to himself whenever he was affected by joy or grief. The note read: “This will not last”. 

That is one method by which mental agitations can be calmed. Take life in the world as a compulsory duty imposed on you. You are now in jail under sentence for crimes committed in a previous birth. The superintendent assigns various duties — cooking, drawing water, cutting wood, etc. You must do the work assigned to the best of your ability, without any expectation of reward. If you behave well, cause no trouble, and do assigned duties without demur, then you may be released sooner, with a certificate that you are reliable and good. 

This attitude will give you practice in selfless action without expecting a reward (nishkama karma), which is very valuable for curbing the senses.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 26.10.1963)

To discharge faithfully one's duties and responsibilities is an imperative act of worship. - BABA