· Instead of beginning the day with tea or coffee, have some Vibhuti in warm water.
· A glass of lukewarm water with lemon or lime first thing in the morning or straight after your dose of Vibhuti water, is a good way to detoxify the system and manage the PH balance of the stomach.
· Bhagawan advises that a few tulsi leaves on an empty stomach can keep most viruses, bacteria and parasites from doing any damage to the body.
· One tablespoon of sprouts in the morning will give one the needed edge to lead an active life.
· A handful of wheat grass chewed in the morning has the effect of rejuvenating the body.
· The sun is very important for our health. Without the light and health of the sun, we could not exist. Of all hues, the golden colour of the sun is the healthiest, most nourishing and most productive of strength and vigour. The simplest of all meditations involve the sun. Yogis often gather this golden colour by staring at the sun as it comes up on the horizon each day for a few moments, meditating on the solar magnificence and abundance. Stare at the sun for a few minutes with closed eyelids, then draw its radiance throughout your body. A few minutes a day will invigorate your being and improve your vision. This yogic exercise is a form of trataka (concentration exercise).
· Foot Soaking – This is best done the last thing at night before going to bed. Sit comfortably in a chair with your hands on your lap, palms upward, fingers directed towards a Goddess photograph. Place your feet in a bowl of warm water containing a handful of sea/rock salt. Meditate while soaking your feet for 10-15 minutes. Rinse and dry your feet. Then flush the water down the toilet and wash your hands.
(From: Handbook on Union with God Through Finger Postures by Aparna Choudhuri)
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