Krishna is omnipresent. The word has three meanings:
(1) "Krishithi-ithi Krishna -- The man who ploughs is Krishna." The heart is the symbol of a field. The heart should be cleared of weeds (evil qualities). It should be filled with love. The seeds of the Lord's name should be sown in it. Krishna encourages the devotee to do all this.
(2) "Karshathi-ithi Krishna -- Because he attracts, he is Krishna." Krishna has the supreme power of attraction. By his words, his sport, his music, and all his actions he attracts all people. This power of attraction is present in everyone. Hence, everyone is potentially Krishna.
(3) "Krushyathi-ithi Krishna -- Because he imparts bliss, he is called Krishna." Everyone seeks happiness. The Divine, who is the embodiment of happiness, is in you. God wants you to be happy, but you do not realize it. Try to recognize the source of bliss within you. It is not the true nature of man to be unhappy. When anyone is otherwise, people around him are concerned about him. You should always be happy, because you are the embodiment of the Aathma. Never give way to worry.
As a spark of the Divine, you have to behave like the Divine. Do not give room for grief. What use is there in turning over the beads of the rosary while your mind is thinking of mundane matters? First of all, purify your mind. Dedicate all actions to God. Free yourself from all attachments. Treat all things as gifts from God for which you are the guardian and not the owner.
Bhagawan’s Divine Discourse: Sri Krishna Janmashtami, 25th August 1997
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