Someone once said that all the teachings of Buddha can be summarised by one line -
"Nothing, whatsoever should be clung to."
This is one major teaching that each and everyone of us has to master before we can attain Enlightenment.
However, since "Nothing, whatsoever should be clung to", even this teaching should not be clung to. That is to say, we should not cling to "not clinging". In order words, let go and let go of letting go.
This is not playing with words. Neither is it a paradox. It can be done and can be achieved in order to attain ultimate freedom.
There are two forms of clinging - that which leads to more clinging, resulting in swirling in the rounds of Samsara in a vicious cycle, or clinging that leads to the freedom of non-clinging - like hanging onto a life saver. Just ensure any clinging you have at the moment is of the latter.
(The Daily Enlightenment)
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