People should endeavour to understand the Aathmic principle. What is the Aathma? Where is it?
These questions were raised by a king. Where is God? Where does He cast His looks? What does
He do?
Few in his court could answer these questions. He then summoned a sage and asked him:
"Where is God?" He replied, "Like butter in milk, He is everywhere."
"Where does God cast His
eyes?" asked the king. "In which direction does this lamp shed its light?" asked the sage in
return. "It sheds its light in all directions," answered the king. The sage observed: "Likewise,
God is effulgent and sees everything everywhere. There is no particular direction for God's
vision. He is all-seeing and omnipresent."
The king then asked: "What work does God do?" The sage said: “To answer this question I have
to assume the role of the preceptor and you should accept the role of the disciple. Are you
prepared for this?”
The King said "Yes." The sage said: "In that case, you better come down from
the throne and sit down, while I sit on the throne." When the king sat down the sage remarked:
"This is what God does. He brings down the mighty and elevates the humble, He can make the
poor rich and the rich poor. He can do anything. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all pervading."
These are true characteristics of God. He is all-pervading like butter in milk. He is
all-seeing like the light of a lamp which sends out its rays all around. God is also all-powerful.
He can do anything.
(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)
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