Thursday, January 17, 2019

Baba's Storytime - Pothana's Dedication to God

The life of Pothana, the immortal author of the Thelugu Bhaagavatham, shows the difference between the God-oriented poet and a poet who seeks the favours of rulers and wealthy patrons. 

Once, Pothana's brother-in-law, the poet Shreenaatha, told Pothana that if, instead of relying on Shree Raama, he dedicated his Bhaagavatham to a local chieftain, the latter would offer him gifts of land and properties which would relieve his poverty. 

Pothana declared: "Brother-in-law! You are making a serious mistake. Our real protector is Raama and not any Raaja (ruler). How many have been helped by these rulers and for how long?. I revere my mother Earth. My life will be redeemed by my trust in mother Earth and by my faith in Shree Raama." (Bhagavaan recited a poem of Pothana in which the poet firmly declared that he would prefer to live on what he got from the soil rather than offer his sacred work to unrighteous rulers for the sake of a mess of pottage). 

Pothana told Shreenaatha, "My poem is the very embodiment of the Goddess of Wisdom, Sarasvathi. 
Such a work should be offered to Brahma and none else. How can I offer such a sacred work to wicked rulers?" 

Shreenaatha was displeased with Pothana's attitude. He conveyed Pothana's sentiments to the local ruler, who also felt slighted. In his bitterness, he sent his minions to set fire to Pothana's house. The entire house was burnt down except the shrine where Pothana worshipped Raama and kept his Bhaagavatham. While the flames were burning, Pothana prayed to Raama as the Lord of everything. 

When a person believes wholeheartedly, in God, he will not come to grief. With their interests primarily in worldly benefits and material gains, men pray to God with their lips and not their hearts. Rather than pray with lips, it is better to serve with the hands. This was the lesson which Hanumaan taught to Vibheeshana, when the latter was disappointed that he had no vision of Raama. 

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