Saturday, February 23, 2019

Fractured Knee Healed

In 1968 Pattabi's wife tripped over Sai Leela's sandals and fractured her knee.  It was a multiple fracture of the kneecap.  The doctors said the bone could not be reunited because of old age.  Pattabi rushed to Puttaparthi where Baba was in a hurry to leave for Bombay the next day. He assured him that everything would be okay, even before Pattabi told Him of the accident.

Twenty days passed.  But there was no improvement in her condition.  So Pattabi took her to Puttaparthi again.  She had to sit in the chair everyday during Darshan.  After a week, Baba touched her kneecap and holding her hand asked her to walk.  And she walked, completely cured instantaneously!  Baba made them stay for another week and then sent them home loaded with blessings.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

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