Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Conversations with Sai - 5

Swami, why is it that we do not immediately get the rewards of Sadhana [spiritual practice]?

Your approach to spiritual practice is not correct, and you must understand some essentials. Let Me give an example. Children commence their studies in the Kindergarten, then go through school, pass the 10th Standard, then the 12th Standard, then enter College, and study for the B.A., B.Com., degrees etc. How many years all this takes! And how much effort is required to earn a University degree! If one must struggle so hard for a mere worldly degree, then is it correct to expect instant results and rewards when one is going in quest of the Infinite and the Eternal? It is wrong to expect immediate rewards.

(From "Conversations with Sai" - Radio Sai - 15.9.2003)

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