Friday, July 12, 2019

Engage in Godly Activities

"You must always keep the company of the good and the godly. It is only when you remain with good people and perform good actions that your devotion will remain firm and unshaken. Verbal utterance of mantras or the ritual reciting of the Lord's name is not enough. Engage yourselves in godly activities. 

This was the lesson Hanuman taught to Vibhishana when he bemoaned before Hanuman that in spite of his constant chanting of Rama's name, he had not been blessed with a vision of Rama. Hanuman then told Vibhishana that though he had been reciting Rama's name, he had done no act of service to Rama such as comforting Sita or trying to see her during her ten months ordeal in Lanka. "Dil me Ram! Haath me Kaam" (Have Rama in your heart and do your duty with your hands)."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba~
(Divine Discourse - 21.5.1991)

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