Thursday, August 8, 2019

His Grace

In ocean of miseries, when you've lost the way,
And your boat never seems to touch the bay.
But if you are redirected by a shining star,
it is none else than Sai Baba, the Glorious Avatar.

In a quagmire of desires, sinking deep,
You might be proved wrong and begin to weep.
But if you are pulled out from the vicious land,
Then it is the sheer grace of Baba's Hand.

Even in the jaws of death, as you are crushed alone,
And no signs of life are shown.
If you are still healed, it is a Divine cure,
Processed by the spate of Swami's love, so great and pure.

His Love and Grace flow to mortals,
Those who follow a life of morals.
Swami, we pray for Your Incessant Grace,
To protect and direct this vast expanse of human race.

(From the book "108 Heart Beats" by Raja Sekhar Ganta)

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