Once three persons reached the gates of Swarga (heaven). One of them declared that he was the
master of all scriptures and therefore the gates should be opened to let him in. The guardians of
the gate said: "You are familiar only with the texts. You have no practical experience. You may
The second man said: "I have performed many Yagas and Yajnas" (sacrificial rites and rituals).
The guardians told him: "You have performed the sacrifices for selfish aims. You have no place
The third person, a farmer, neared the gates and said: "I am a poor farmer, owning a hut on two
acres of land. I have been offering food and drink to passers-by and giving them shelter when
necessary. I have shared with them whatever little I had. This is all the sadhana I have been able
to practice." The guardians said: "You may enter."
The story illustrates the truth that only those who are prepared to sacrifice what little they have
for relieving others in need, are entitled to enter heaven. Many have read a great deal and
listened to innumerable discourses. What effect have these had on them? Has them been any
change in their lives? If they examined their lives, they will find that the answer is negative.
While listening to a discourse they may be inclined towards renunciation. They welcome the
teaching. But after a few moments, they return to their original selves.
(From Bhagawan's Discourse on 26.3.1988 on Sri Navami Day)
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