Tuesday, November 26, 2019


I waited for You so Long,
I portrayed You in many songs,
I adored You by the waters of holy rivers,
I have shed bitter tears in my daily prayers.

On one lucky day, I was drawn towards You,
Towards the Lord of Cosmos I knew,
And when You stood in front of me,
From all these fears I became free.

You embraced me with all Your love,
For a while I forgot that You are all above,
And I sought rings and chains from Your Divine Hands,
Instead of asking "Yourself" Lord of visible and invisible lands.

You spoke on Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas,
Still I questioned back like a doubting Thomas.
I blamed You for all my pains,
Yet, You took up on Yourself my stress and strains.

Swami, You know the heart of every man,
You are the Ruler of Dusk and Dawn.
If all this which I go through is Yogamaya,
Redeem me, O! Sai ... Redeem me, O! Baba!

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

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