Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Baba's Storytime - God is not Attracted by External Appearance

People in the world attach value to all 'kinds of objects, ideals and personalities. God, however, is not attracted by external appearances but values only the inner spiritual urges. Here is a simple example. 

Parvathi was the most beautiful woman in the world. Conscious of her charms, she wished to wed the Lord Himself. But the Lord does not succumb to external attraction. Disappointed by her failures, Parvathi embarked on a very severe penance. Indifferent to sun and rain, wind and weather, Parvathi concentrated her thoughts on the Lord, wearing out her body in her tapas. Because of the penance she lost all her beauty. All her physical powers were gone. At that moment, the Lord accepted her as one half of his body. 

What is the inner meaning of this episode? Prakriti (Nature) is Parvathi. This Prakriti is filled with various kinds of prides: the pride of wealth, strength, beauty, knowledge, virtues, power and penance. Man's ego is inflated by these different kinds of pride. It is only when man gets rid of these eight categories of pride will he become acceptable to God. So long as ego prevails, the power of the Spirit will not be cognised. Without realising the power of the Spirit man cannot experience the bliss of the Divine. 

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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