Saturday, March 7, 2020

A Mridangam Student is Cured

A boy by the name of Sri Ram joined the Music college in the year 2002 at Puttaparthi, for doing the foundation course in Mridangam.  He was not a devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba before coming here.  He never got an opportunity to talk to Baba or be very close to Him.
In the month of July or so, he contracted a viral fever and was in a very bad condition.  In spite of the best treatment given by the doctors, his condition didn't improve.  He couldn't eat anything due to severe vomiting.  Since he was not in a position to go to the Mandir, he could not give even a letter to Bhagawan.

One day, Baba came inside the bhajan hall and started talking about some boy who was suffering from fever and vomiting.  The students could not understand who that boy was and asked Baba.  When Baba said the boy's name was Sri Ram, everyone thought that it was the band leader whose name was also the same.  But Baba said that it was not that boy.  Baba gave many clues but none of the students could guess who it was.

Baba told them that the previous night around 2 a.m. in the morning, the boy had severe pain and was crying out for help from his roommates.  He was calling out "Amma!".  Then Baba said that He had been to his room and sat next to him consoling him.  But the boy was not aware of that.  Slowly Baba made him sleep and returned.

Baba told the boys that it would take another three days for him to get cured.  The loving Lord had the time and concern for the student, while taking care of the entire creation as a whole.  This bond of love is what makes all His students leave everything just to be with Him, to be bathed in the sunshine of His pure motherly love.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

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