Friday, March 20, 2020

Behind and Beyond

Behind, beyond death,
There entails a mystery of life.
But in between emerges
A beautiful tale of life.

A short span of strange existence,
Under the sun, over the soil,
Beneath fleeting clouds and
Amidst fluttering monsoons.

As I embark on this voyage of life,
With heart as my raft,
And mind, a magnetic compass,
I am soon lost.

Into deathly waters,
Of temptation,
And whirlpool of greed,
A toppling tempest of vices,
Where my boat tosses upside down.

With my raft reduced to pieces,
From then, my desperate search,
For a true saviour began,
And the good merits arrived as good winds.

Carrying me away from fierce storms,
Where the sky turned clear and blue,
Far away from unknown islands,
Where I spotted Someone, in orange robe.

His serene gaze fell on me,
Seeing my pitiful state of things,
In His mercy, He too alighted my boat,
And began to sail with me.

Since then my voyage turned safe,
Because the true saviour, Himself was my Captain,
Who will continue to be with us,
Even behind birth and beyond death.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

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