Tuesday, March 31, 2020

When the Lord Intervenes ...

Ms. Sujanya, an alumna of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus, shared a miracle of Bhagawan Baba, with which He conferred a rare blessing on their family.

Sujanya's paternal grandparents were very orthodox and had faith in religious beliefs.  According to those beliefs, a family that had a son to perform the last rites and a daughter to be given in Kanyadaan was considered as a noble and blessed family.  But unfortunately, Sujanya's mother had Sujanya as her first child.  When she conceived the next time, she wrote one crore times "Sai Ram" praying to Bhagawan Baba to bless her with a male child this time, in order to please her in-laws.

On one Thursday, in the early hours at around 3 a.m., she heard a knock on her door.  She opened the door and saw Bhagawan Baba standing at the doorstep.  She couldn't believe her eyes.  She led Him inside the house and offered Him a glass of buttermilk.  Swami drank the buttermilk and spoke to her very lovingly, "....you are asking for a silver lotus.  I have come to give a golden one on Holy Thursday.  Do not refuse it.  Be happy ....".  Bhagawan Baba blessed her profusely and left.  She bolted the door behind Him.  It was not a dream but a reality.  She was dazed.  A week later, on the next Thursday, a baby girl was born much to her shock and disappointment.  She wept out her heart to Bhagawan Baba helplessly.

Years passed.  Sujanya's sister was 10 years old then.  Her parents wanted to make her horoscope as per the tradition.  The astrologer who was called to make the horoscope was spellbound on looking at the planetary positions in the horoscope.  He then exclaimed that there had been a divine intervention because the planetary positions indicated a mentally retarded boy.  The words of the astrologer brought to the mother's memory the authentic words spoken to her by Bhagawan Baba 10 years ago on a Thursday morning.  The forgotten words flashed in her memory.  Indeed, true to His words, Bhagawan had blessed her with a golden lotus.  She thanked Him profusely in her heart.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

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