Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Baba's Storytime - The Real Conqueror

Sankaracharya posed the question: "Who is a real conqueror in this world?" His disciples gave different answers. One disciple said that a real conqueror was one who had subdued the world and brought it under his sway. Another said that the man who scaled the Himalayas and planted a flag on its summit was a great conqueror. Another declared that one who crossed the oceans was a hero. 

Sankaracharya listened to these replies with a smile and said: "Dear students! You are looking at conquests solely in worldly terms. Viewed in this way, anyone can achieve victories. An animal can fight another and establish its victory. Likewise, there can be a victor among birds. Birds cross oceans and fly over the Himalayas. Where is the victory in all this? Nothing at all." 

Sankaracharya declared: "Only the person who has subdued his mind is a real conqueror." 

It is a mental aberration to think that one has achieved a victory without subduing his mind.

With regard to the mind, it will be seen that when filled with desires, it has a thamasik quality. Where the thamasik quality prevails, there is darkness. When the mind's desires are fulfilled, it experiences coolness. When desires are not satisfied, the mind is restless. But if does not get heated. Such is the nature of the mind.

(From Bhagawan's Divine Discourse on Yugadi Day, 4.4.1992)

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