Monday, April 13, 2020

Bhagawad Gita for Dr. Bhagavantam

Dr. Bhagavantam, formerly Director of the Indian Institute of Science and later the Scientific Advisor to the Ministry of Defence in Delhi, had his first Darshan of Baba in the year 1959.

During one of his visits to Puttaparthi, Baba took him along with other devotees to the Chitravathi river bank.  Baba asked Bhagavantam to select a spot for all of them to sit.  After the scientist had chosen an area, Baba sat on that spot with the devotees around Him.  In a jovial mood, He deplored the ignorant or indifferent attitude of many scientists to the ancient wisdom found in the great Hindu scriptures.  Dr. Bhagavantam's pride was hurt.  H explained to Baba that not all scientists were of his materialistic outlook.  He said that his family had a tradition of Sanskrit learning and had deep interest in the spiritual classics of India.

To strengthen his opinion, he gave the example of one great scientist, Mr. Oppenheimer, who was the team leader of the first hydrogen bomb and had announced to the world that he got the inspiration from the great Indian scripture, Bhagawad Gita.

Hearing the name of Bhagawad Gita, Baba's mood changed.  He asked Bhagavantam whether he would like to have a copy of Bhagawad Gita.  Without waiting for his reply, Baba scooped a handful of sand and asked the scientist to hold out his hands to receive it.

Dr. Bhagavantam cupped his hands in order to receive the sand.  Lo and behold!  Baba dropped the sand into the cupped hands but what fell into the hands was a red covered book!  The doctor was stunned into silence to find that it was a copy of Bhagawad Gita printed in Telugu script.  

Baba remarked that since the scientist had some difficulty in reading Sanskrit script, He gave him a Telugu script copy.  Telugu was Bhagavantham's native tongue.  He had never mentioned to Baba about his limited proficiency in Sanskrit.

Bhagavantam examined his miraculously produced volume closely to find the names of the printer and publisher.  It was a brand new book.

But which printer or press in the world could print God's love!  Only the love of Baba for His devotees could do it.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

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