Saturday, April 4, 2020

Sai Madhuryam

It may be possible to acquire proficiency in all branches of learning. 
Or win victory in debates in an assemblage of scholars. 

It may be possible to give away as charity houses, lands and cows, and even to fly into the skies and count all the stars. 

It may be possible to know and name all the jeevas in the World, or attain mastery in Ashtaanga Vidhya, or to reach the Moon. 

But alas, difficult it is indeed to gain mastery over one's senses (indriyas). 

Steady the mind, gain inner vision, and maintain peace and equanimity at all times. 

One can attain mastery over all the Shaasthras, and become proficient in Vedha and Vedhaantha. 

One may be a king, living in a palace or a great warrior winning victories in battles. 

One may have conquered the Goddess of Poverty and won vast riches. 

But, alas, all these are of no avail, unless one has devotion and earned the grace of God. 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

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