Thursday, April 16, 2020

Universal Mother

Swami, the Divine Mother of twin sons,
Placed them in cradle, around stars and suns,
You named one as East, another West,
Both equally handsome and best.

You bestowed man with greatest gift - "mind",
Which can either liberate or bind,
You blessed us with major roles to display,
Scrutinising every act in this earthly stay.

When we sink in our roles by tears and grief,
You took Your own sweet time, short and brief,
But then You reached to everyone's need,
Forgiving our daily flaws and greed.

You were concerned when people fought with each other,
Forgetting that all belong to one Mother,
You were pained when we divide Your home,
Under the influence of Cosmic Maya, a mystic foam.

In this lost voyage of life,
Heavy are our ships with struggle and strife,
Slowly sinking into waters of darkness,
And then You safely brought us to shore, O!  Mother of Universe.

To the shore from where we left in pain,
Now the Mother and child reunited once again.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

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