Sunday, May 17, 2020

Conversations with Sai - 18

H: One hears about various paths to Self-realization.  What does this mean?

SAI: There are three paths.  There is that of devotion, the guru guides and all is left to the guru to perform.  Then, there is the perception that God is Omnipresent; the future comes up to the present and the past falls away from the present.  God is omnipresent; so the present is God; this is knowledge.

Then there is surrender to God.  But surrender does not mean just doing all actions in His name.  Surrender to God is when the entire Universe is known as His body.  Surrender is when doer, deed and object are all God.  It cannot be forced.  It comes naturally.  Faith is the foundation; surrender is the peak.

H: Of the many roads to self-realization, what is the short cut?

SAI:  The short cut is this way: the name of God is the seed; love is the water by which the crop grows, discipline is the fence which protects the growing crop; the field in which the crop is grown is the spiritual heart; the crop when it comes to harvest, is Bliss.

(From "Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba" by Dr John S. Hislop)

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