Friday, May 15, 2020

The Lord Restores

Uma Maheswari was going blind in her left eye due to an accident.  This happened just before Deepavali one year.  They were whitewashing the house at Manipal when some of the lime mixture splashed into her left eye accidentally.  The burn was very severe and to control it,  she poured water in her eye.  This aggravated the problem.  The cornea was destroyed.  She felt darkness and could not open her eyes.  All she could see was blackness. 

 She was immediately admitted to KMC Hospital, Manipal.  After the checkup, she was given the bad news thst there was no chance of getting back the vision in the left eye as the cornea was burnt.

Hearing the doctor's words, she screamed loudly "Sairam".  She could not control herself and started weeping.  The only thing she remembered was "Sairam, "Sairam, Sairam".  The doctor covered her eyes with bandages and instructed her not to open them for two weeks.  As she was not able to see anything, her mind dwelt on Him constantly in prayer for a cure; a prayer to remove the darkness and to give "Vision". 

Finally, the day came.  The Lord had done it again, as He was doing every moment, every day to all those who called Him sincerely and to all those who surrendered themselves at His Lotus Feet.  She continued to say "Sairam".  The bandage was removed and she was saved from the agony of not being able to see Him.  Her eyes had become normal.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love".) 

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