Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Baba's Storytime - The Most Laudable Choice

The Yaksha on the tree had stopped the five Pandava brothers from drinking at the lake below; for it put questions to each of them and when they could not answer to its satisfaction, they died - four of them.

It was Dharmaraja, the eldest, who came last.  He was able to answer the questions correctly.  So the Yaksha said, "Well, you can now revive and take ONE of the four brothers who are lying dead."

Dharmaraja had the hardest of problems but he did not take long to decide.  He did not revive Bheema or Arjuna, though they were for him his two hands.  He selected Nakula.

The Yaksha asked him why he had chosen him.  He said, "Bheema and Arjuna are the sons of Kunti and Nakul and Sahadeva are the sons of my stepmother, Madri.  My mother has me alive; so I wished my stepmother too to have a son alive.  So I chose one of her sons."

What a noble heart was his!  At this the Yaksha was so pleased that he revived all the four.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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