Monday, June 8, 2020

Bane to Boon

If not for the penance of King Bhagiratha,
Lord Shiva, who prevails in Himalayan ranges,
Wouldn't have placed on His head the holy Ganges.

If not for the prayers of devoted Radha,
Lord Krishna would have remained mute,
By not playing His most melodious flute.

If not for the wicked deeds of Ravana,
Lord Rama would not have stroked His arrow,
Leaving all three worlds in demonic sorrow.

If not, by the decline of Dharma,
 We would not have been fortunate to see Bhagawan Baba,
Who is verily Shiva, Krishna and Rama.

So with the intervention of Avatars,
Even the terrible curse turns out to be a terrific boon,
Like the darkest sky, bejewelled with brightest moon.

- Raja Sekhar Ganta -
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

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