Saturday, June 6, 2020

Sai Wit & Wisdom - Under the Dining Table

Once at "Sai Sruti" in Kodaikanal, a boy had slept under the dining table in the ground floor for want of space the previous night.  Since he was last to unroll the bed and sleep that night, none had noticed it.  

Swami asked him with a mild chuckle, "Was it warmer under the table?  The night was very chilly."

The boy was stunned.  Then Baba explained to others how the boy made a place for himself under the dining table.  Even as they were looking merrily at Swami, He declared, "My eyes are everywhere."  Their merriment turned into awe and amazement instantly.  

That was His way of reminding their good fortune of living with God.

(From the book "Wit and Wisdom of Sri Sathya Sai" compiled by P. Gurumoorthy)

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