Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Doll and Drum

Once, Swami entered the house of Kasturi unannounced.  Kasturi was playing with a doll at that time.  It was a bear with a kettle-drum attached to its waist and it would play on the drum with two sticks in its two hands, with the help of a spring mechanism  Swami saw the bear playing on the drum and Kasturi being lost in enjoying its drum beats like a child!  When Kasturi heard the laughter of Swami, he got up in a hurry to welcome Him.  With mock anger, Swami pushed the doll back and said, "See, Kasturi, I will do the same thing to you also!"

Kasturi saw the doll continuing to play on the drum even when it was lying flat on its back and said, pointing to the doll, "Then, Swami, I will also do the same thing!"  He meant that he would continue to proclaim and propagate the divine advent message of Swami to the world till the end of his life.  And that was what he did!

(As narrated by Prof. N. Kasturi in his book "Loving God")

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