Monday, October 12, 2020

Swami's Compassion

"One day, on finding my plate had three idli's, Swami took one of them off, saying that even two were too many for me.  I had absurdly exaggerated appetite for iddli and His warning  frightened me into instant compliance.  Baba explained to me later, the pulse component of idli can easily foster arthritis in aged bodies.  He helped me to understand that since each loving being is playing a role in His cosmic drama, He loves to see them as fit and strong as the role demands.

Bhagawan too shares breakfast or lunch with us; He loves to watch us enjoying the food He gives.  Even while inside the car, He takes out one by one luscious apples from the bag He keeps near Him and slicing them with care, He tempts us to eat in plenty.  Once, while motoring from Bombay to Bangalore, He listened to a few songs from Dixit and at the end, distributed such pieces to each.  The skin could not be chewed and swallowed by me, since I had a set of artificial teeth unused to touch tasks.  I dared not  spit the stuff through the window for fear of denture might follow the skin.  Swami recognised the embarrassment; the next slice He passed on to me had the skin removed."

(As narrated by Prof. N. Kasturi in "Loving God")

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