Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Baba's Storytime - Is Happiness Found in Wealth or God's Presence?


Thyagaraja was in search of Lord Rama everywhere, but ultimately, he realized that there was no need to search for the One who was always with him. 

The king of Thanjavur invited Thyagaraja to his court to play his compositions. Thyagaraja noticed so many eminent personalities in the court and, in all humility, he started his concert with the composition, “There are many great souls; I prostrate before all of them (Endaro mahanubhavulu, andariki vandanamulu ...).” 

Listening to his sweet song, the entire assembly was spellbound. In order to reward him, the king offered him some money. Seeing this, Thyagaraja asked himself, “Oh mind! Tell me whether there is happiness in money or in the divine proximity.” After due reflection, he declined to accept the money offered by the king. Then the king sent him back to his village carried in a palanquin, with due honours. 

Seeing Thyagaraja going in a royal palanquin, some thieves followed him, thinking he must be carrying a lot of money with him. Noticing the thieves, the bearers of the palanquin told Thyagaraja, “Swami, we are being chased by thieves. They might even kill us.” Thyagaraja said, “Why should you be afraid? You don’t have any money, which is the cause of fear. Only those who possess money have fear. Why should those who have only the wealth of virtues be afraid of thieves? You have only virtues and no money. Therefore, have no fear.” 

After a while, the thieves came running to Thyagaraja, fell at his feet, and prayed, “Kindly protect us, protect us.” Thyagaraja asked them, “From whom should I save you? Why do you ask me to save you? What calamity has befallen you?” They told Thyagaraja that two young men armed with bows and arrows were threatening to punish them. 

On hearing this, Thyagaraja, who had earlier gone in search of Rama here and there, realized that Rama was always with him. He sang this song in praise of Rama, “Oh Rama! You are in front of me, behind me, and on my either side (Mundu venaka irupakkala todai-unnava, oh Rama)”. Rama made him realize His omnipresence by giving him this experience. 

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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