Friday, November 13, 2020

Sai Wit and Wisdom - The Omnipresent Timekeeper


Swami was due to visit the school.  That morning, the teacher was unfortunately a few minutes late in arriving at his class.  Later when Swami arrived in the school and was visiting this particular teacher's classroom, He made various inquiries of the young pupils, finally asking them before leaving, and speaking of their teacher - "and is he punctual?"  To the teacher's discomfort, a little girl at the back of the class put up her hand, "Please, Swami," she said.  "He was late for class this morning."

Baba looked disapprovingly at the unhappy teacher.  He reprimanded him for being "ONE HOUR" late for class.  The poor teacher protested and denied being so late, "No, no, Swami, I was only three minutes late."  But Baba replied, "Twenty pupils, each kept waiting three minutes - ONE HOUR LATE!"

(From the book "Wit and Wisdom of Sri Sathya Sai" compiled by P. Gurumoorthy)

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