Friday, January 15, 2021

Devotion and Surrender

Q133: Swami!
  Kindly let us know the difference between devotion and surrender?

Bhagawan: Devotion is dual.  Here is one who is devoted to God.  Therefore, devotion is the path of dualism.  A devotee has no meaning if there is no God.  So also, God is associated with a devotee.  It is devotion that links them.  But surrender is non-dual.  In the path of non-dualism, we find this surrender.  Once you surrender to God, you do not exist for yourself any longer.  You do not have anything of your own.

For example, you have water and sugar.  As it is, these two are separate and different from each other in their names, forms and tastes.  This is the principle of dualism, since sugar and water exist apart from each other.  Now, mix both what happens?  It is neither sugar nor is it water.  It becomes syrup.  So also, the devotee who totally surrenders' himself to God does not consider himself as a separate entity apart from God.  This is true surrender and the spirit of non-dualism. 

(From "Satyopanisad" Vol.1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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