Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Hr Dayavasi


Q19: Swami!  It is said that God is hr dayavasi, dweller in our heart.  Is it the same heart which is on the left side of our chest?

Bhagawan: No, no.  That is the physical heart.  But the seat of God is the spiritual heart, which is called hrdaya.  It means hr+daya = hr daya.  The one filled with compassiona is hrdaya, heart.  Today compassion is a matter of fashion.  People put on kasayavastra, ochre robes but they have kasayihrdaya, hearts of butchery.

The physical heart is on the left side while the spiritual heart is on the right side.  The spiritual heart is the temple of God.  In the Gita, Lord Krishna says, isvarah hr ddese arjuna tisthati which means "God resides in the altar of your heart."  Knowledge, be it physical, secular, scientific or technological, relates to the head and not to the heart.  But love, compassion, truth, sacrifice and forbearance concern the heart.

(From "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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