Saturday, January 2, 2021

Miraculous Escape

It was soon afterwards that I had miraculous escape from being very badly burnt. One day, I was deep frying pakoras in a saucepan. As I turned around to get some ingredients down from a shelf, the sleeve of my gown became entangled with the handle of the saucepan; at least, it must have, for I didn’t notice it then, and so turned around nonchalantly.
Imagine my great horror and utter consternation as I turned and saw that the saucepan full of boiling fat and sizzling pakoras was about to land right on me! I was petrified and stood rooted to the ground, unable to move.

If I had moved, I would only have hastened the descent of the saucepan, which was ominously sliding towards me.

I let out a terrific scream ‘Baba’. And then the miracle happened. The saucepan slid out of the sleeve of my gown, turned around all by itself, of it’s own volition, by 180 degrees and went and sat nonchalantly on the other burner of the stove; I stood for a while, utterly dazed, then came to and expressed my heart-felt gratitude to my Lord. How kind, how compassionate is my beloved Master. I bowed to Him in utmost gratitude and love.

Swami’s Quotation

“Be ever in consciousness that you are but a shadow of God, His image. Then, no harm can come to you. God walks along the royal road to Truth. The shadow holding to Him by the Feet, falls on hallow and hill, fire and water and dirt and dust. But, holding to the Feet, as done the shadow, you will be unaffected by the ups and downs of life”.


“Why worry about not having been able to touch these Feet? My Feet are within your reach, at all times, wherever you are.”

Sarvatha paani pada - hands and feet everywhere, Baba.

(From "Experiences of Devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba" -

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